@article{Vodyanykh2020design, author={Vodyanykh, A.. and Britkov, A.. and Gorbanov, N.. and Dementenko, S.. and Dudnik, K.. and Igrunov, A.. and Condratenko, G.. and Laktionov, A.. and Matyukhin, N.. and Patsanovsky, D.. and Perkova, N.. and Prokopenko, A.. and Rakityansky, P.. and Strybizh, I.. and Tertychny, O..}, title={Design solutions and interfaces of radio intelligence equipment, radio-electronic suppression and blocking of radio communication links and control produced by Rusprom Co}, journal={Infocommunications and Radio Technologies}, publisher={Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Sevastopol State University}, year={2020}, pages={41-62}, volume={3}, issue={1}, }