TY JOUR TI Design solutions and interfaces of radio intelligence equipment, radio-electronic suppression and blocking of radio communication links and control produced by Rusprom Co KW bearing on a signal source KW radiation of an interfering signal KW sector suppression KW the UAV JO Infocommunications and Radio Technologies AU Vodyanykh, A.. AU Britkov, A.. AU Gorbanov, N.. AU Dementenko, S.. AU Dudnik, K.. AU Igrunov, A.. AU Condratenko, G.. AU Laktionov, A.. AU Matyukhin, N.. AU Patsanovsky, D.. AU Perkova, N.. AU Prokopenko, A.. AU Rakityansky, P.. AU Strybizh, I.. AU Tertychny, O.. PY 2020 IS 3 PB Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Sevastopol State University