%0 Journal Article %T Detection of adaptogenic and protective of thermophilic algae extracts effects on leukocyte energy status in native blood using a potential-sensitive fluorescent probe DS %A Akshintsev, A.A. %A Morozova, G.I. %A Kozlova, M.A. %A Barenboym, G.M. %K thermophilic algae, adaptation, fluorescent probe DSM, native blood, lymphocytes, neutrophils, transmembrane potential, mitochondrial activity, cyclophosphamide, thermophilic algae, adaptation, fluorescent probe DSM, native blood, lymphocytes, neutrophils, transmembrane potential, mitochondrial activity, cyclophosphamide %J Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty %D 2020 %N 5 %P 6 %I Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Sevastopol State University