00954naa#a2200265#i#450# EN\\bibl\54530 20240928141652.6 2499-9962 20200625b2020####ek#y0engy0150####ca RUS RU Role of Na+, K+, 2Cl- cotransport in the regulation of contractile reactions of vascular smooth muscles in metabolic syndrome Journal article Sevastopol Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Sevastopol State University 2020 4 с. Journal article local Материальные основы жизни. Биохимия. Молекулярная биология.Биофизика. 577 RUS Birulina J G Buyko E E Gabitova I O Ivanov V V Smagliy L V Nosarev A V Kovalev I V Gusakova S V rusjbpc.ru