Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2499-9962 (print)
Periodicity (English)

4 times a year

Russian science citation index:
Yes 58367

Requirements for articles:


1. The journal accepts for publication scientific articles, essays, review articles.

Accepted for publication are materials that:

  • present new, original results or research methods;
  • present clarifications, a different interpretation of previously published results;
  • are a survey in the field of research or summarizing on a specific research topic;
  • contain materials that expand knowledge in a particular field of research;
  • contain a critical generalization of some research topic.

The article should not contain such violations of publication ethics as falsification, fabrication, plagiarism, etc.

The author must indicate a conflict of interest that could prevent the author from being impartial in his conclusions.

All materials should be submitted for consideration in electronic form in the formats of a text and formula editor.

The volume of material depends on the type of material presented:

  • Scientific article: 15-20 pages of A4 text, 1.5 spacing (around 20 000-40 000 of signs);
  • Essay: 4-8 pages of text in A4 format, 1.5 spacing (around 10 000-20 000 of signs);
  • Review article: 10-15 pages of A4 text, 1.5 spacing (around to 10 000 of signs).

Acronyms and Abbreviations should be deciphered at their first use (in brackets in the text or under the text).

At the end of the text, the author specifies: "Material is verified, figures, facts, quotes are verified with the primary source, material doesn't contain data of limited distribution". The volume of articles submitted for the publication should not be less than 16 000 characters with spaces.

The article is published on the terms of a public offer posted on the site.


Each article has to be accompanied by the information about the author(s), (in the Russian and English languages): surname, name, middle name completely; place of work; position; academic degree; academic status; e-mail address. After the indication of the place of work, the city is surely specified.


Article has to be structured. The most widespread model of structure of scientific articles — IMRAD — an abbreviation from "introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion". At the end of article Conclusion follows. If article is devoted to a theoretical research, then the section Methods (Methods) is replaced with Theoretical Basis (Theoretical bases). Each part has to be allocated in the main text separately.

The manuscript of article has to contain the abstract (summary) and keywords. Articles without abstract (in the Russian and English languages) aren't considered. The paper shouldn't contain references and abbreviations. Volume is limited by 250-300 words. Are surely specified in the abstract: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions (on 1–2 offers for each point). Keywords can be from 4 to 7, usually — 5–6 words. Terms phrases are considered as one keyword. It is desirable to avoid compound keywords. It isn't recommended to include the words which are contained in names of article in structure of keywords.


Introduction has to define a key part of the problem, specify a research objective and represent his hypothesis and scientific approach, prove importance of a research. Introduction would typically include current state of the field of understanding (often it is a literature review)

Materials and Methods

The purpose of this part — to carry out assessment of reliability of the used methods and their influence on results. Here the plan and the sequence of process of researches, protocols of an experiment, the used materials, objects, the equipment, ready statistical data, the software, etc. are provided; and also technique of assessment of results. If the key moment in work is the experiment methodology, it is necessary to describe her processes in details


This part represents results of a research in the accurate logical sequence, without interpretations of results. Exactly here tables, drawings and schedules are most often used. It is necessary to avoid duplication of data in tables and schedules (in case of their existence), it is only necessary to comment on such data from the point of view of trends or the most important points.


Discussion has to be focused on interpretation of results of a research and other related materials. Emphasize new and important observations. Explain value of observed opinion for a research objective. Connect results with the offered hypothesis. Any unexpected results or observations; which took place, can be explained exactly here.

This part comes to the end with the detailed conclusion (allocated separately). It is necessary to generalize result and its value, to describe consequences and practical application of a research, to make possible recommendations.

Reductions and abbreviations have to be deciphered at their first use (in brackets in the text or under the text).

When writing article it is necessary to avoid personal pronouns, including scientific "we". Same concerns references: at references to own works it is worth avoiding " offers as shown in our work". First of all, this requirement of anonymity.




The list of references at the end of article is given in alphabetical order.

The list of references recommends at least 15 sources, and all of them should be cited in the text of the article. It is recommended to use modern literature sources (up to 5 years), foreign sources, in particular, indexed in the Scopus database. In the case when an English-language work is cited, it is recommended to refer to the original source.

References to the official sites, legal and acts, archival materials, textbooks/manuals, dictionaries and newspaper articles are given page by page (in footnotes) and not taken out in the list of references placed at the end of article!


2. Surname, name, patronymic of the author; information about the author: name of the organization where the author works, his position, contact details address, e-mail, academic title, academic degree (if any)

Academic degree:

Doctor of Law

Doctor of Law Sciences (Dr. Sc.) - Higher scientific degree

PhD in Law

Candidate of Law Sciences (PhD)




Associate professor


Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich,

Professor, Department of Criminal Law (if applicable), Ensk State University (if applicable), Doctor of Law, City, Country

Ivan I. Ivanov,

Professor of the Criminal Law, Enskiy State University, Doctor of Law Sciences (Dr.Sc.), City, Country

When specifying contact information, we recommend to indicate contact e-mail. Contact details are required for possible scientific correspondence. The email address of the author is subject to publication unless the author makes a special indication to the contrary.


3. Title, abstract and keywords

The title should reflect the main content of the article, be capacious, concise. The title must be indicated in English and Russian.

Abstract - a brief description of the article - should reflect a description of the main topic, problem, object of research; the purpose of research, the results obtained and their value, to be informative, original and concise enough.

The volume of annotations in Russian should not exceed 100 - 200 words, the estimated volume of annotations in English is 100-250 words.

It is acceptable that the annotation in English be more detailed than in Russian: it is desirable that the English-language annotation provide for an introduction and conclusion (bullet points), the structure of the article, the purpose and main results of the study, and their scope are disclosed.

The main meaning of annotations in Russian and English should match.

Avoid using both the title and the annotation of introductory phrases, common words, for example:

in the title - "On some features ...", "On some problems ....", in the annotation - "The author explores a number of problems ...", "the article gives examples from practice ...", etc.

It is unacceptable to limit oneself to the scope of the study without any specifics: the annotation should make it possible to establish the main content of the article, determine its relevance and decide whether to refer to the main text.

Repetition of the title in the annotation is not allowed.

Keywords are individual terms (words or their combinations) that are key to understanding the content of the article. For example, these are the names of the studied legal institutions (“vindication claim”, “property right”, etc.), stable terms that are used by the legislator and law enforcement practice and which the author analyzes (“controlled foreign companies”), as well as commonly used in the doctrine, although not named in the legislative text (“shikana”).

The use of general terms is not recommended if the article addresses a specific aspect.

When formulating keywords, the following test can be used: having chosen an article for a keyword, the reader should find an analysis of the corresponding term in it, conclusions regarding its essence and application.


4. Design tables, figures, diagrams and formulas

Materials may contain the tables and black-and-white schemes executed in the editor of Word (for Windows). Application of objects of Word Art in schemes isn't recommended. All pictures, charts and schemes included in the text of article in the electronic version have to be submitted by also separate files in those formats in which they have been made (objects have to give the chance of editing). Each table and picture should be supplied with the serial number and the heading/signature duplicated into English. All columns in tables also have to be named.

Formulas have to be gathered in the editor of Microsoft Equation where their set is more correct; a set of formulas in MathType …Equation is also possible .

If you gather a formula, gather it completely, it isn't necessary to leave one symbol and an equal-sign text set, and then to pass in the formula editor.

It is desirable to gather simple lower case formulas from the keyboard, without using the formula editor.

 Illustrations (drawings, graphs, diagrams, computer printouts, diagrams, photographs) should be placed in the text immediately after the text of the article, where they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page (as close as possible to the relevant parts of the text of the article). All illustrations must be referenced in the text. When referring, you must write the word "figure" and its number, for example: "in accordance with figure 2", etc. Illustrations, if necessary, may have a name and explanatory data (figure text). The word "Figure", its number and the name through a dash are placed after the explanatory data and placed in the center under the figure without a dot at the end.


5. Footnotes and References

The number of footnotes should be appropriate for the type of material presented.

In footnotes, if possible, only sources are indicated. When making footnotes on materials posted on the Internet, be sure to indicate the full address and date of reception (referring to the source).

Footnotes (links) to sources in the text of the article are drawn up in accordance with the following requirements:

When the author refers to someone else’s work without direct quotation (the use of paraphrase), the footnote indicates:

See: Author A.A. The title of the work. M.: Publishing House, 2003. P. 142 - 145.

If the exact quotation is given, then See: not set, immediately bibliographic data of the source are given:

Author A.A. The title of the work. M.: Publishing House, 2003. P. 142.

When quoting an exact quote, the footnote indicates the specific page of the source that is being cited. When using paraphrase (retelling, expounding the thoughts of the quoted author in his own words), the footnote indicates the range of pages of the publication of the source.

Sources of publications of normative acts to which the author refers as a general rule are not indicated, or indicated at the beginning of the first reference to the text of the normative act. For example, “hereinafter, the texts of normative acts are used and (or) cited by ATP Consultant plus”.

If the source has a DOI number, it is recommended to indicate it at the end of the source in the References.


The list of literature sources used in the article must be drawn up at the end of the article or as a separate file in an editable format. The list of references lists only the sources cited in the text.

The list of references at the end of the article is given in alphabetical order.

The list of references is made out in Russian and in transliteration in Latin letters (for Russians authors). If the sources used, including the names of the publishers, have official translations into English or are originally in English, the name of the source is indicated according to the official translation or just in English.

 In the List of references, the source used is indicated once.

In the List of literature should be indicated only those works that are mentioned in the text and which were published or accepted for publication.

The description of the sources is indicated in alphabetical order by the name of the first author.

The initials in the names of the authors do not have a comma. The title of the article is not quoted. The name of the publication source or the name of the journal is indicated in italics. The year is put behind the title of the journal or the name of the source.

References to books should include the author‘s name; title; page numbers where appropriate; place of publication; publisher; year of publication; in the order given in the example below:

Moore M. S. Causation and Responsibility: An Essay in Law, Morals, and Metaphysics. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. p. 75.

 References to articles in an edited collection should include the author‘s name; article title; title of collection; editor‘s name; place of publication; publisher; year of publication; first and last page numbers; in the order given in the example below:

Gardner J. Wrongs and Faults // in A. P. Simester (ed.), Appraising Strict Liability. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. pp. 51-80.

References to articles in periodicals should include the author‘s name; article title; full title of periodical; volume number (issue number where appropriate); year of publication; first and last page numbers, in the order given in the example below:

Johnson C. D. Moral and Legal Obligation // The Journal of Philosophy. 1975. Vol. 72. No. 12. pp. 315-334.


6. Terms of access to articles: The journal follows a policy of open access to published articles without restrictions.

By agreement with the author, the Editorial Board may publish articles accepted for publication on a preprint basis, that is to post articles in the public domain on the site until the end of publishing.


7. Example:

Legal Consolidation of the Institute of International Non-Governmental Organizations in the Legislation of the Countries of the CIS

Ivan I. Ivanov

Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


Petr P. Petrov

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (North-West Institute of Management of RANEPA), Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation;


Sidor S. Sidorovc

St. Petersburg University of Technologies of Management and Economy, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation




This article describes the process of formation of the Institute of international non-governmental organizations in the post-Soviet space. Problems of interpretation of provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of non-profit organizations are presented. The development of legislation in the field of voluntary Association of citizens guided by the protection of global values is analyzed. On the basis of the study, the authors propose measures aimed at transparency of organizations aimed at providing free assistance to categories of citizens in need of this support.

Keywords: legislation in the field of international non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, socially oriented non-profit organizations, media-foreign agents, self-regulatory




  1. Aganbegyan A.G., Varshvsky Yu.V., Zhukovsky V. D. About program goals management in health care // SPERO. 2007. No. 7. P. 5–26. (In rus)
  2. Bogma K.A. Goals management approach as the strategy of effective management of a regional health care system // In collection of articles: Current problems of increase in efficiency of the government and management in modern Russia. Rostov-on-Don : South-Russian Institute of Management of RANEPA, 2016. P. 27–32. (In rus)
  3. Borschevsky G.A. Application of quantitative methods for studing civil service reforms // Public Administration Issues [Voprosy gosudarstvennogo i munitsipal'nogo upravleniya]. 2015. No. 2. P. 147–172. (In rus)
  4. Burmenko T. D., Tarkhanova E.G. A condition of the sphere of socially important services in the world (on the example of health care and education) // News of the Irkutsk State Economic Academy [Izvestiya Irkutskoi gosudarstvennoi ekonomicheskoi akademii]. 2013. No. 5. P. 109–116. (In rus)
  5. Grishin V.V. Reform of a national health care system // Health care [Zdravookhranenie]. 2008. No. 4. P. 139–144. (In rus)
  6. Searle John R. What Is a Speech Act? // In: “Philosophy in America” ed. Max Black, London, Alien and Unwin, 1965. pp. 221-239.


A list of references is given in alphabetical order. In the text, the source is indicated in page footnotes with a link to specific pages when directly quoted or paraphrased.

References to official websites, newspaper articles, legal and legislative acts, dictionaries, archival materials are given page by page (in footnotes) are not included in the list of references at the end of the article.


  1. Belyaeva Yu. Yu. Subjects of state policy: problems of theoretical conceptualization [Electronic resource] // Public administration. Electronic bulletin. 2011. Issue. 29. URL: http://ee-journal.spa.msu.ru/uploads/vestnik/2011/vipusk__29._dekabr_2011_g./belyaeva.pdf (date of reference June 20, 2018).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscripts are accepted if has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

  2. The materials should be prepared in a format OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or World Perfect.

  3. Internet links are provided as a complete URL. 

  4. Text should be typed with an interval of one and a half line spacing, font Times New Roman, 14 pt; to highlight the accents it is recommended to use italics rather than underlining (except Internet links). All images, graphics and tables are placed within the text according to the meaning of the particular part of text  (and not at the end of the document).

  5. Text should follow the stylistic and bibliography requirements as stated in  Regulations  located in the Part "About Us." 

  6. Please, remove the authors' names from the title of the article and other parts of the document to ensure the  anonymity of reviewing.

Publication Ethics


In the decision-making regarding publication of the submitted papers "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty" is guided by the recommendations and Elsevier guidelines.

The journal is also guided by the standards and principles of the International Sociological Association.

Conflict of interests / Financing

The authors are asked to disclose (in a covering letter or on the front page) any relationships with financial and industrial institutions that could lead to the conflict of interests related to the submitted paper. All financial sources as well as all places of work of the authors (including business units) should be listed in the reference on the front page.

Authors` rights and responsibilities

The authors have the right to full and scrupulous consideration of their manuscripts.

If the author does not agree with the results of the review, he/she has the right to single additional review.

The authors have the right for free peer review and free publication of their articles.

The author guarantees that the manuscript is original and does not contain plagiarism or inappropriate textual borrowing.

The authors are solely responsible for the selection and the validity of any information provided in the articles, citations, statistical and sociological data, etc.

The authors must notify about any errors that they may find in the manuscript after the publication.

Editors` rights and responsibilities

The journal uses mandatory double-blind review for any submitted papers. The period review is up to three weeks (in exceptional case the period can be extended to 14 days).

The editors guarantee that reviewers and authors do not have work-related relationships.

The editors must notify the authors about possible conflict of interests.

The editors do not reveal the names of the reviewers to the authors.

The editors guarantee science-based objective approach.

The editors adhere to the principle of confidentiality regarding the submitted manuscripts.

The editors guarantee that the article reviewers are competent professionals capable of being experts in their field.

The editors and editorial board (editorial council) members have no right to use parts or basic conclusions of the submitted articles in their own research or for personal gain. The use of such data is appropriate after the official publication of the article while meeting the reference style requirements.

The editors have no right to force the authors to cite articles previously published in the "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty" to improve scientometric indicators.

The opinion of the authors may not coincide with the position of the editorial.

The publication of the submitted papers is carried out according to priority as the thematic issue is completed. The editors reserve the right to determine the priority and time of the publication according to the issues being prepared.

The editors have the right not to enter into correspondence with the authors after the results of the final expertise have been presented to them.

The editors may refuse to publish the papers if the authors` manuscripts do not conform to the editorial guidelines.

Reviewers` rights and responsibilities

The article can be submitted for consideration if it conforms to the publication requirements available on the journal`s website.

The review process involves double-blind peer review (which means that the reviewer does not know the name of the author and the author does not know the names of the reviewers).

All reviewers must adhere to the publication ethics guidelines and act in an objective and unbiased manner.

The reviewers must notify the editors about possible conflict of interests.

The reviewers must maintain confidentiality and guarantee that any information concerning the submitted papers will not be disclosed.

The reviewers must assess the manuscript according to science-based criteria.

The reviewer may decline a review request for no reason.

The reviewer may ask to extend the review period to no more than 14 days.

Publishing procedure


Submitting manuscripts

An article can be sent by the Author to the Editor-in-Chief or to the Editor directly by contact information on the website https://rusjbpc.ru or the journal website or through the journal website, as well as through the editorial general email address conf2022@sevbppc.ru. The most preferred form to communicate is through the journal’s website.

Note that your application must meet the Requirements for the paper.

Accepting manuscripts

On receiving an application the Editor- in-chief (or the Deputy-Chief Editor) decides whether the article matches the topics relevant to the journal and conforms to the Requirements for the paper.

Articles that do not qualifyare returned to the author with reasons for rejection.

Articles that satisfy the requirements are reviewed primarily by the members of the Editorial board.

Reviewing manuscripts

Articles of Doctors are reviewed by Doctors, articles of PhDs and of authors without scientific degrees are reviewed by Doctors and PhDs.

An article can't be reviewed by itsauthor (co-author); however, it may be reviewed by the Academic adviser.

Reviewing is carried out on condition of anonymity.

Articles of Members and Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education, as well as of members of the Editorial board, are not reviewed.

The review is provided to the author upon his/her written request without any signature, i.e. referee's name, position, or place of employment.

The review is available upon request of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

The review must reveal the assessment of validity and originality of the topic. The final part of the review must provide a clear recommendation either on publishing the article "as is", or on its improving or revising.

The article modified or revised by the author is resubmitted for review along with its initial version in as short a time as possible. If an article is held up for more than three months or requires another revision, it is treated as a new one.

After a paper has been peer-reviewedthe Editor- in-chief makes the decision on publishing the article; if necessary, the decision is made by the Editorial board on its meeting on the next issue of the journal.

If the article is accepted, authors are informed via e-mail.

Signing the Agreement

After the article is accepted for publication, the author signs License agreement with the publishing house, i.e. provides the necessary data, prints the contract, signs it and posts it to the publisher.


On being published in a journal issue the article is assigned DOI, and its metadata is supplied to the RSCI.

The author receives a conformation e-mail about publishing of his/her article.

The author can request a free PDF file of the article or buy a paper issue.

Procedure of Reviewing Scientific Articles


  1. Research papers, received by editorial board, answering the subjects of the journal, prepared in accordance with the requirements, undergo a peer-reviewing procedure.
  2. We examine only previously unpublished manuscripts.
  3. At author's discretion, external review can be presented when submitting an article. This does not exclude the usual procedure of reviewing.
  4. Managing Editor determines, whether an article answers the subject of the journal and meets the requirements, and forwards it to reviewing to examination with PhD or ScD degree, who is a recognized expert on the subject of peer-reviewed material and has corresponding publications last 3 (three) years.
  5. Reviewers are notified, that tall manuscript are the property of authors and contain information, that should not be disclosed. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles. Reviewing is confidential. Breach of confidentiality is possible only when there is a statement for invalidity or falsification of materials. In all other cases it's preservation is obligatory.
  6. Time constraints for the procedure of reviewing is defined by the chief editor, individually for each case. Maximum reviewing period (between the date of acceptance of the manuscript by the editor till the editorial board makes it's decision) is 2 months.
  7. The following items are pointed out in the review:
    • a) a compliance of the matter of an article with it's title;
    • b) an assessment of the relevance of the content of a manuscript;
    • c) an assessment of the form of the presented materials;
    • d) an appropriateness of publishing an article;
    • e) a description of the advantages and disadvantages of an article.
    In the final part of the review of the manuscript, on the basis of it's analysis, clear conclusions should be given, whether the publication can be published as is, or there is a need for its revision or processing (with constructive comments).
  8. If the review contains recommendations for editing and (or) finalizing an article, it is sent to an author with a proposal to take into account the recommendations in preparing a new version of an article or arguments to refute them. An improved paper is sending back for reviewing.
  9. In a case, where the reviewer does not recommend an article to publication, editorial board may send back an article to be rewritten, taking into account the comments made on it, as well as send it to another reviewer. Text of a negative review is also sent to an author.
  10. Manuscripts, which receives contradictory reviews, should be forwarded to an additional reviewing. If a manuscript receives two negative reviews, publisher has a right to reject the submitted manuscript immediately and not to publish it.
  11. The final decision on publication of an article is taken by the Chief Editor.
  12. When a positive decision on publishing an article is taken, the author is informed. Text of a review is sent to an author via Internet.
  13. Originals of the reviews are stored at the editorial office for 5 (five) years.
  14. On demand of the Ministry of Education and Science, the reviews are also sent to the Ministry.
  15. The editors do not undertake any obligation on time constraints of publishing the manuscript.
  16. Not prescribed to an obligatory reviewing:
    • interviews and reports from the round tables, conferences, etc.;
    • news , information and advertising messages and announcements.



Retraction of articles

1. General Provisions

1.1. Retraction (or retraction) is a withdrawal of a text (article) from publication, which indicates that the publication contains serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted.

1.2. The retraction procedure is carried out in order to prevent cases of:

  • duplicate publications (when authors submit the same articles or data (without appropriate citations) in several publications);

  • plagiarism;

  • hiding conflicts of interest that could affect the interpretation of data or recommendations for their use.

1.3. Unreliable data and duplication can be the result of both delusion, unintentional error, and deliberate violations.

1.4. The revocation does not mean the deletion of the article from the website of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty", from bibliographic databases. The article remains in all of these resources with a clear notice of retraction and preservation of the digital object identifier [doi] or other permalink that locates it. This is necessary because the researchers may already have accessed and cited the paper, and therefore need to be warned about its retraction.


2. Reasons and grounds for retracting the article

2.1. The grounds for the retraction of the article are the violation of the ethical principles of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty".

2.2. The grounds for retracting the article are:

  • detection of plagiarism in a publication;

If only a small part of the article (for example, a few sentences) is plagiarized, editors should consider whether it would be better for readers (and for the author of the work) if the article is amended with correct citations than a full retraction of the article.

  • duplication of an article in several publications;

If a duplication of a publication is detected, the editors of the publications discuss the situation among themselves and can go one or two ways: 1. the text is withdrawn, simultaneously by all the publications that published the material received by them as a result of the fan distribution; 2. A consensus is reached on one version of the text that will not be withdrawn from publication (usually the earliest). In exceptional cases, when duplicating an article serves a specific purpose, you can not withdraw a repeated article, but make an edit, giving a footnote to the original source and the reason for duplication, for example, expanding the readership due to the specific thematic audience of the publication.

  • detection of falsifications or fabrications (for example, manipulation of experimental data) or serious errors in the interpretation of the results;

When it is not possible to obtain conclusive evidence of the credibility of a publication (for example, if authors provide contradictory information; the institution where the authors work refuses to investigate alleged violations or make public the results of such investigations; if investigations were not conducted fairly or took an unreasonably long time), editors should publish doubts in regarding the text, rather than retract the publication. Such information should be submitted to the Council on Publication Ethics. If, over time, convincing confirmation of doubts is obtained, the article should be withdrawn from publication; if doubts are not confirmed, it is necessary to give an appropriate comment and inform the Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications.

  • incorrect composition of authors (there is no one who is worthy of being an author; persons who do not meet the authorship criteria are included);

  • hidden conflict of interest (and other violations of publication ethics);

  • republishing the article without the consent of the author.

2.3. The reasons for retracting the article are:

  • the author's request to withdraw the article;

  • presentation by the editor-in-chief of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty".


3. Procedure for withdrawing an article

3.1. The decision to withdraw the article is made by the Editorial Board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty" on the proposal of the editor-in-chief, containing information about the existence of a reason for retracting the article specified in these Regulations.

The decision to withdraw the article is made taking into account the response of the author of the article, substantiating his position on the issue of retracting the article, upon receipt of this response.

3.2. If the author / team of authors find it necessary to withdraw the article, they apply to the editorial office, explaining the reason for their decision. The editors respond to the authors and, if there are grounds for retraction, it independently retracts the text of the article.

3.3. If the editorial board decides to withdraw the text of the article on the basis of its own expertise or information received by the editorial office, the author / team of authors is informed about this and the author is asked for his opinion on the validity of the submission of the editor-in-chief on the issue of retracting the article. If the author / team of authors ignores the request of the editorial board, the editorial board has the right to seek help from the Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications and (or) withdraw the publication without taking into account the opinion of the author. If the retraction is related to the actions of several, but not all, authors of the publication, this must be reported in the retraction notice.

3.4. The decision to withdraw the article is formalized by the minutes of the meeting of the editorial board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty".

The article retraction form includes the following items:

  1. Name of the author and title of the article

  2. Name of the publication from which the text is being withdrawn

  3. Article retraction initiator

  4. Grounds for retraction of the article and date of decision

  5. Link to the page on the publication's website, which provides information about the retraction

  6. Imprint become and DOI (if any)

  7. Subject

3.5. Having decided to withdraw the article, the editors indicate the reason for the retraction (in case of detection of plagiarism - indicating the sources of borrowing), as well as the date of retraction. The article and the description of the article remain on the site as part of the corresponding issue of the journal, but the inscription "REVIEWED / RETRACTED" and the date of retraction are applied, the same mark is placed in the article in pdf format and in the table of contents of the issue.

3.6. The minutes of the meeting of the Editorial Board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty", which indicates the date of the meeting, the composition of the meeting, the results of the examination, a reasoned decision, all data on the publication that was withdrawn, the editor-in-chief sends:

  • in the NEB (elibrary.ru) (when an application for retraction is received, information about the article and the full text remain on elibrary.ru, but supplemented with information about retraction. Retracted articles and links from them are excluded from the RSCI and are not included in the calculation of indicators);

  • to the Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (to enter information into a single database of retracted articles);

  • in a number of cases, information about retraction is brought to the attention of the Higher Attestation Commission.

3.7. The author (the lead author in the case of collective authorship) is sent the minutes of the meeting of the Editorial Board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty" with the wording justifying the reason for the withdrawal of the article.

The authors may not agree with the position of the Editorial Board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty", but this does not negate its right to carry out the retraction procedure.

3.8. The editorial board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty", along with the decision to withdraw the article, may decide to impose a ban on accepting articles from the author of the retracted article for publication for a certain period.

3.9. Information about retraction of the article is posted on the website of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty", as well as information is posted in the next issue of the publication.

There is no publication fee.

Evstigneev Maksim  — Chief Editor
Sevastopol State University (Vice-rector for scientific activity)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Tverdislov Vsevolod Aleksandrovich  — Science Editor
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Head of the Department)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Voronin Dmitriy  — Executive Secretary
Sevastopol State University (Institute for Advanced Study, Deputy Director)
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Artyukhov Valeriy Grigor'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Voronezh State University (Department of Biophysics and Biotechnology, Head of the Department)
doctor of sciences in biology
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Berzhanskiy Vladimir Naumovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Department of Experimental Physics, Professor)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Kostyukov Viktor Valentinovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Sevastopol State University (Department of "Physics" of the Institute for Advanced Study, Professor)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Nechipurenko Yuriy Dmitrievich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences (laboratoriya DNK-belkovyh vzaimodeystviy, Leading Researcher)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Riznichenko Galina Yur'evna  — Member of the Editorial Board
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Professor)
doctor of sciences in biology
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Soldatov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the South Seas of the RAS
doctor of sciences in biology
Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Tikhonov Aleksandr Nikolaevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Professor)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ernandes Sant'yago Adrian Apolinar  — Member of the Editorial Board
Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla
doctor of philosophical sciences
Puebla, Mexico
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Sevastopol State University
Sevastopol State University
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ПИ № ФС 77-72655

Editorial Policy


The editorial policy is based on the general principles of publication ethics developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) — for publishers, reviewers and authors and is built upon the standards of the International Sociological Association (ISA).

The publisher uses a science-based approach and is guided by the principles objectivity, professionalism and impartibility.



The papers submitted for consideration:

  • go through primary selection and are studied according to eligibility criteria:
    • (a) general content requirements and reference style 
    • (b) fitting within the scope of journal;
  • are checked for plagiarism (Antiplagiat system);
  • are subject to double-blind peer review.

To be qualified for publication, the manuscript`s percentage of novelty should be at least 75%.

The publisher is responsible for preparing the article for publication, checking it against plagiarism and ensuring fair review; the publisher is not responsible for the reliability of data and the validity of bibliographic citations provided by the authors. 

Manuscripts which are contrary to norms of the constitutional law cannot be published. 

Decision to accept or to reject the papers is taken by the editorial board in accordance with the peer review regulations.

The editorial board retains the right to make changes, cut or reject those manuscripts which do not conform to the journal scope and style while simultaneously maintaining ethical standards.

Manuscripts that were rejected because of non-compliance with the style guidelines are not peer reviewed.

The author submitting the manuscript to the editorial board gives the publisher rights to publish it in the "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty" and to transfer the manuscript to third parties (double-blind review is mandatory).


Publication fee

Publication in the journal is free for authors.

The editors do not charge authors for the preparation, placement and printing of materials.

The journal accepts postgraduate articles for publication.


History of free access

This journal direct access to open access to proprietary wealth, draws from this wealth: free open access to the research results of large funds. The journal uses the GOLD OPEN ACSESS model and is distributed under the CCBY license.



  • Russian State Library

Hiding Hiding Preprints and Postprints

In the process of writing an article, the author needs to check that the article was not published or was not accepted for publication in another scientific journal. When referring to an article published in the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty", the publication is required to use the link (full URL of the material) on the official website of the journal.

Articles published earlier by the authors on personal or public sites, not associated with other publishers, are allowed for consideration. a sign to post preprints on the preprint aggregator arxive.

Requirements for articles:


1. The journal accepts for publication scientific articles, essays, review articles.

Accepted for publication are materials that:

  • present new, original results or research methods;
  • present clarifications, a different interpretation of previously published results;
  • are a survey in the field of research or summarizing on a specific research topic;
  • contain materials that expand knowledge in a particular field of research;
  • contain a critical generalization of some research topic.

The article should not contain such violations of publication ethics as falsification, fabrication, plagiarism, etc.

The author must indicate a conflict of interest that could prevent the author from being impartial in his conclusions.

All materials should be submitted for consideration in electronic form in the formats of a text and formula editor.

The volume of material depends on the type of material presented:

  • Scientific article: 15-20 pages of A4 text, 1.5 spacing (around 20 000-40 000 of signs);
  • Essay: 4-8 pages of text in A4 format, 1.5 spacing (around 10 000-20 000 of signs);
  • Review article: 10-15 pages of A4 text, 1.5 spacing (around to 10 000 of signs).

Acronyms and Abbreviations should be deciphered at their first use (in brackets in the text or under the text).

At the end of the text, the author specifies: "Material is verified, figures, facts, quotes are verified with the primary source, material doesn't contain data of limited distribution". The volume of articles submitted for the publication should not be less than 16 000 characters with spaces.

The article is published on the terms of a public offer posted on the site.


Each article has to be accompanied by the information about the author(s), (in the Russian and English languages): surname, name, middle name completely; place of work; position; academic degree; academic status; e-mail address. After the indication of the place of work, the city is surely specified.


Article has to be structured. The most widespread model of structure of scientific articles — IMRAD — an abbreviation from "introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion". At the end of article Conclusion follows. If article is devoted to a theoretical research, then the section Methods (Methods) is replaced with Theoretical Basis (Theoretical bases). Each part has to be allocated in the main text separately.

The manuscript of article has to contain the abstract (summary) and keywords. Articles without abstract (in the Russian and English languages) aren't considered. The paper shouldn't contain references and abbreviations. Volume is limited by 250-300 words. Are surely specified in the abstract: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions (on 1–2 offers for each point). Keywords can be from 4 to 7, usually — 5–6 words. Terms phrases are considered as one keyword. It is desirable to avoid compound keywords. It isn't recommended to include the words which are contained in names of article in structure of keywords.


Introduction has to define a key part of the problem, specify a research objective and represent his hypothesis and scientific approach, prove importance of a research. Introduction would typically include current state of the field of understanding (often it is a literature review)

Materials and Methods

The purpose of this part — to carry out assessment of reliability of the used methods and their influence on results. Here the plan and the sequence of process of researches, protocols of an experiment, the used materials, objects, the equipment, ready statistical data, the software, etc. are provided; and also technique of assessment of results. If the key moment in work is the experiment methodology, it is necessary to describe her processes in details


This part represents results of a research in the accurate logical sequence, without interpretations of results. Exactly here tables, drawings and schedules are most often used. It is necessary to avoid duplication of data in tables and schedules (in case of their existence), it is only necessary to comment on such data from the point of view of trends or the most important points.


Discussion has to be focused on interpretation of results of a research and other related materials. Emphasize new and important observations. Explain value of observed opinion for a research objective. Connect results with the offered hypothesis. Any unexpected results or observations; which took place, can be explained exactly here.

This part comes to the end with the detailed conclusion (allocated separately). It is necessary to generalize result and its value, to describe consequences and practical application of a research, to make possible recommendations.

Reductions and abbreviations have to be deciphered at their first use (in brackets in the text or under the text).

When writing article it is necessary to avoid personal pronouns, including scientific "we". Same concerns references: at references to own works it is worth avoiding " offers as shown in our work". First of all, this requirement of anonymity.




The list of references at the end of article is given in alphabetical order.

The list of references recommends at least 15 sources, and all of them should be cited in the text of the article. It is recommended to use modern literature sources (up to 5 years), foreign sources, in particular, indexed in the Scopus database. In the case when an English-language work is cited, it is recommended to refer to the original source.

References to the official sites, legal and acts, archival materials, textbooks/manuals, dictionaries and newspaper articles are given page by page (in footnotes) and not taken out in the list of references placed at the end of article!


2. Surname, name, patronymic of the author; information about the author: name of the organization where the author works, his position, contact details address, e-mail, academic title, academic degree (if any)

Academic degree:

Doctor of Law

Doctor of Law Sciences (Dr. Sc.) - Higher scientific degree

PhD in Law

Candidate of Law Sciences (PhD)




Associate professor


Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich,

Professor, Department of Criminal Law (if applicable), Ensk State University (if applicable), Doctor of Law, City, Country

Ivan I. Ivanov,

Professor of the Criminal Law, Enskiy State University, Doctor of Law Sciences (Dr.Sc.), City, Country

When specifying contact information, we recommend to indicate contact e-mail. Contact details are required for possible scientific correspondence. The email address of the author is subject to publication unless the author makes a special indication to the contrary.


3. Title, abstract and keywords

The title should reflect the main content of the article, be capacious, concise. The title must be indicated in English and Russian.

Abstract - a brief description of the article - should reflect a description of the main topic, problem, object of research; the purpose of research, the results obtained and their value, to be informative, original and concise enough.

The volume of annotations in Russian should not exceed 100 - 200 words, the estimated volume of annotations in English is 100-250 words.

It is acceptable that the annotation in English be more detailed than in Russian: it is desirable that the English-language annotation provide for an introduction and conclusion (bullet points), the structure of the article, the purpose and main results of the study, and their scope are disclosed.

The main meaning of annotations in Russian and English should match.

Avoid using both the title and the annotation of introductory phrases, common words, for example:

in the title - "On some features ...", "On some problems ....", in the annotation - "The author explores a number of problems ...", "the article gives examples from practice ...", etc.

It is unacceptable to limit oneself to the scope of the study without any specifics: the annotation should make it possible to establish the main content of the article, determine its relevance and decide whether to refer to the main text.

Repetition of the title in the annotation is not allowed.

Keywords are individual terms (words or their combinations) that are key to understanding the content of the article. For example, these are the names of the studied legal institutions (“vindication claim”, “property right”, etc.), stable terms that are used by the legislator and law enforcement practice and which the author analyzes (“controlled foreign companies”), as well as commonly used in the doctrine, although not named in the legislative text (“shikana”).

The use of general terms is not recommended if the article addresses a specific aspect.

When formulating keywords, the following test can be used: having chosen an article for a keyword, the reader should find an analysis of the corresponding term in it, conclusions regarding its essence and application.


4. Design tables, figures, diagrams and formulas

Materials may contain the tables and black-and-white schemes executed in the editor of Word (for Windows). Application of objects of Word Art in schemes isn't recommended. All pictures, charts and schemes included in the text of article in the electronic version have to be submitted by also separate files in those formats in which they have been made (objects have to give the chance of editing). Each table and picture should be supplied with the serial number and the heading/signature duplicated into English. All columns in tables also have to be named.

Formulas have to be gathered in the editor of Microsoft Equation where their set is more correct; a set of formulas in MathType …Equation is also possible .

If you gather a formula, gather it completely, it isn't necessary to leave one symbol and an equal-sign text set, and then to pass in the formula editor.

It is desirable to gather simple lower case formulas from the keyboard, without using the formula editor.

 Illustrations (drawings, graphs, diagrams, computer printouts, diagrams, photographs) should be placed in the text immediately after the text of the article, where they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page (as close as possible to the relevant parts of the text of the article). All illustrations must be referenced in the text. When referring, you must write the word "figure" and its number, for example: "in accordance with figure 2", etc. Illustrations, if necessary, may have a name and explanatory data (figure text). The word "Figure", its number and the name through a dash are placed after the explanatory data and placed in the center under the figure without a dot at the end.


5. Footnotes and References

The number of footnotes should be appropriate for the type of material presented.

In footnotes, if possible, only sources are indicated. When making footnotes on materials posted on the Internet, be sure to indicate the full address and date of reception (referring to the source).

Footnotes (links) to sources in the text of the article are drawn up in accordance with the following requirements:

When the author refers to someone else’s work without direct quotation (the use of paraphrase), the footnote indicates:

See: Author A.A. The title of the work. M.: Publishing House, 2003. P. 142 - 145.

If the exact quotation is given, then See: not set, immediately bibliographic data of the source are given:

Author A.A. The title of the work. M.: Publishing House, 2003. P. 142.

When quoting an exact quote, the footnote indicates the specific page of the source that is being cited. When using paraphrase (retelling, expounding the thoughts of the quoted author in his own words), the footnote indicates the range of pages of the publication of the source.

Sources of publications of normative acts to which the author refers as a general rule are not indicated, or indicated at the beginning of the first reference to the text of the normative act. For example, “hereinafter, the texts of normative acts are used and (or) cited by ATP Consultant plus”.

If the source has a DOI number, it is recommended to indicate it at the end of the source in the References.


The list of literature sources used in the article must be drawn up at the end of the article or as a separate file in an editable format. The list of references lists only the sources cited in the text.

The list of references at the end of the article is given in alphabetical order.

The list of references is made out in Russian and in transliteration in Latin letters (for Russians authors). If the sources used, including the names of the publishers, have official translations into English or are originally in English, the name of the source is indicated according to the official translation or just in English.

 In the List of references, the source used is indicated once.

In the List of literature should be indicated only those works that are mentioned in the text and which were published or accepted for publication.

The description of the sources is indicated in alphabetical order by the name of the first author.

The initials in the names of the authors do not have a comma. The title of the article is not quoted. The name of the publication source or the name of the journal is indicated in italics. The year is put behind the title of the journal or the name of the source.

References to books should include the author‘s name; title; page numbers where appropriate; place of publication; publisher; year of publication; in the order given in the example below:

Moore M. S. Causation and Responsibility: An Essay in Law, Morals, and Metaphysics. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. p. 75.

 References to articles in an edited collection should include the author‘s name; article title; title of collection; editor‘s name; place of publication; publisher; year of publication; first and last page numbers; in the order given in the example below:

Gardner J. Wrongs and Faults // in A. P. Simester (ed.), Appraising Strict Liability. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. pp. 51-80.

References to articles in periodicals should include the author‘s name; article title; full title of periodical; volume number (issue number where appropriate); year of publication; first and last page numbers, in the order given in the example below:

Johnson C. D. Moral and Legal Obligation // The Journal of Philosophy. 1975. Vol. 72. No. 12. pp. 315-334.


6. Terms of access to articles: The journal follows a policy of open access to published articles without restrictions.

By agreement with the author, the Editorial Board may publish articles accepted for publication on a preprint basis, that is to post articles in the public domain on the site until the end of publishing.


7. Example:

Legal Consolidation of the Institute of International Non-Governmental Organizations in the Legislation of the Countries of the CIS

Ivan I. Ivanov

Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


Petr P. Petrov

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (North-West Institute of Management of RANEPA), Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation;


Sidor S. Sidorovc

St. Petersburg University of Technologies of Management and Economy, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation




This article describes the process of formation of the Institute of international non-governmental organizations in the post-Soviet space. Problems of interpretation of provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of non-profit organizations are presented. The development of legislation in the field of voluntary Association of citizens guided by the protection of global values is analyzed. On the basis of the study, the authors propose measures aimed at transparency of organizations aimed at providing free assistance to categories of citizens in need of this support.

Keywords: legislation in the field of international non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, socially oriented non-profit organizations, media-foreign agents, self-regulatory




  1. Aganbegyan A.G., Varshvsky Yu.V., Zhukovsky V. D. About program goals management in health care // SPERO. 2007. No. 7. P. 5–26. (In rus)
  2. Bogma K.A. Goals management approach as the strategy of effective management of a regional health care system // In collection of articles: Current problems of increase in efficiency of the government and management in modern Russia. Rostov-on-Don : South-Russian Institute of Management of RANEPA, 2016. P. 27–32. (In rus)
  3. Borschevsky G.A. Application of quantitative methods for studing civil service reforms // Public Administration Issues [Voprosy gosudarstvennogo i munitsipal'nogo upravleniya]. 2015. No. 2. P. 147–172. (In rus)
  4. Burmenko T. D., Tarkhanova E.G. A condition of the sphere of socially important services in the world (on the example of health care and education) // News of the Irkutsk State Economic Academy [Izvestiya Irkutskoi gosudarstvennoi ekonomicheskoi akademii]. 2013. No. 5. P. 109–116. (In rus)
  5. Grishin V.V. Reform of a national health care system // Health care [Zdravookhranenie]. 2008. No. 4. P. 139–144. (In rus)
  6. Searle John R. What Is a Speech Act? // In: “Philosophy in America” ed. Max Black, London, Alien and Unwin, 1965. pp. 221-239.


A list of references is given in alphabetical order. In the text, the source is indicated in page footnotes with a link to specific pages when directly quoted or paraphrased.

References to official websites, newspaper articles, legal and legislative acts, dictionaries, archival materials are given page by page (in footnotes) are not included in the list of references at the end of the article.


  1. Belyaeva Yu. Yu. Subjects of state policy: problems of theoretical conceptualization [Electronic resource] // Public administration. Electronic bulletin. 2011. Issue. 29. URL: http://ee-journal.spa.msu.ru/uploads/vestnik/2011/vipusk__29._dekabr_2011_g./belyaeva.pdf (date of reference June 20, 2018).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscripts are accepted if has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

  2. The materials should be prepared in a format OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or World Perfect.

  3. Internet links are provided as a complete URL. 

  4. Text should be typed with an interval of one and a half line spacing, font Times New Roman, 14 pt; to highlight the accents it is recommended to use italics rather than underlining (except Internet links). All images, graphics and tables are placed within the text according to the meaning of the particular part of text  (and not at the end of the document).

  5. Text should follow the stylistic and bibliography requirements as stated in  Regulations  located in the Part "About Us." 

  6. Please, remove the authors' names from the title of the article and other parts of the document to ensure the  anonymity of reviewing.

Publication Ethics


In the decision-making regarding publication of the submitted papers "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty" is guided by the recommendations and Elsevier guidelines.

The journal is also guided by the standards and principles of the International Sociological Association.

Conflict of interests / Financing

The authors are asked to disclose (in a covering letter or on the front page) any relationships with financial and industrial institutions that could lead to the conflict of interests related to the submitted paper. All financial sources as well as all places of work of the authors (including business units) should be listed in the reference on the front page.

Authors` rights and responsibilities

The authors have the right to full and scrupulous consideration of their manuscripts.

If the author does not agree with the results of the review, he/she has the right to single additional review.

The authors have the right for free peer review and free publication of their articles.

The author guarantees that the manuscript is original and does not contain plagiarism or inappropriate textual borrowing.

The authors are solely responsible for the selection and the validity of any information provided in the articles, citations, statistical and sociological data, etc.

The authors must notify about any errors that they may find in the manuscript after the publication.

Editors` rights and responsibilities

The journal uses mandatory double-blind review for any submitted papers. The period review is up to three weeks (in exceptional case the period can be extended to 14 days).

The editors guarantee that reviewers and authors do not have work-related relationships.

The editors must notify the authors about possible conflict of interests.

The editors do not reveal the names of the reviewers to the authors.

The editors guarantee science-based objective approach.

The editors adhere to the principle of confidentiality regarding the submitted manuscripts.

The editors guarantee that the article reviewers are competent professionals capable of being experts in their field.

The editors and editorial board (editorial council) members have no right to use parts or basic conclusions of the submitted articles in their own research or for personal gain. The use of such data is appropriate after the official publication of the article while meeting the reference style requirements.

The editors have no right to force the authors to cite articles previously published in the "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty" to improve scientometric indicators.

The opinion of the authors may not coincide with the position of the editorial.

The publication of the submitted papers is carried out according to priority as the thematic issue is completed. The editors reserve the right to determine the priority and time of the publication according to the issues being prepared.

The editors have the right not to enter into correspondence with the authors after the results of the final expertise have been presented to them.

The editors may refuse to publish the papers if the authors` manuscripts do not conform to the editorial guidelines.

Reviewers` rights and responsibilities

The article can be submitted for consideration if it conforms to the publication requirements available on the journal`s website.

The review process involves double-blind peer review (which means that the reviewer does not know the name of the author and the author does not know the names of the reviewers).

All reviewers must adhere to the publication ethics guidelines and act in an objective and unbiased manner.

The reviewers must notify the editors about possible conflict of interests.

The reviewers must maintain confidentiality and guarantee that any information concerning the submitted papers will not be disclosed.

The reviewers must assess the manuscript according to science-based criteria.

The reviewer may decline a review request for no reason.

The reviewer may ask to extend the review period to no more than 14 days.

Publishing procedure


Submitting manuscripts

An article can be sent by the Author to the Editor-in-Chief or to the Editor directly by contact information on the website https://rusjbpc.ru or the journal website or through the journal website, as well as through the editorial general email address conf2022@sevbppc.ru. The most preferred form to communicate is through the journal’s website.

Note that your application must meet the Requirements for the paper.

Accepting manuscripts

On receiving an application the Editor- in-chief (or the Deputy-Chief Editor) decides whether the article matches the topics relevant to the journal and conforms to the Requirements for the paper.

Articles that do not qualifyare returned to the author with reasons for rejection.

Articles that satisfy the requirements are reviewed primarily by the members of the Editorial board.

Reviewing manuscripts

Articles of Doctors are reviewed by Doctors, articles of PhDs and of authors without scientific degrees are reviewed by Doctors and PhDs.

An article can't be reviewed by itsauthor (co-author); however, it may be reviewed by the Academic adviser.

Reviewing is carried out on condition of anonymity.

Articles of Members and Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education, as well as of members of the Editorial board, are not reviewed.

The review is provided to the author upon his/her written request without any signature, i.e. referee's name, position, or place of employment.

The review is available upon request of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

The review must reveal the assessment of validity and originality of the topic. The final part of the review must provide a clear recommendation either on publishing the article "as is", or on its improving or revising.

The article modified or revised by the author is resubmitted for review along with its initial version in as short a time as possible. If an article is held up for more than three months or requires another revision, it is treated as a new one.

After a paper has been peer-reviewedthe Editor- in-chief makes the decision on publishing the article; if necessary, the decision is made by the Editorial board on its meeting on the next issue of the journal.

If the article is accepted, authors are informed via e-mail.

Signing the Agreement

After the article is accepted for publication, the author signs License agreement with the publishing house, i.e. provides the necessary data, prints the contract, signs it and posts it to the publisher.


On being published in a journal issue the article is assigned DOI, and its metadata is supplied to the RSCI.

The author receives a conformation e-mail about publishing of his/her article.

The author can request a free PDF file of the article or buy a paper issue.

Procedure of Reviewing Scientific Articles


  1. Research papers, received by editorial board, answering the subjects of the journal, prepared in accordance with the requirements, undergo a peer-reviewing procedure.
  2. We examine only previously unpublished manuscripts.
  3. At author's discretion, external review can be presented when submitting an article. This does not exclude the usual procedure of reviewing.
  4. Managing Editor determines, whether an article answers the subject of the journal and meets the requirements, and forwards it to reviewing to examination with PhD or ScD degree, who is a recognized expert on the subject of peer-reviewed material and has corresponding publications last 3 (three) years.
  5. Reviewers are notified, that tall manuscript are the property of authors and contain information, that should not be disclosed. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles. Reviewing is confidential. Breach of confidentiality is possible only when there is a statement for invalidity or falsification of materials. In all other cases it's preservation is obligatory.
  6. Time constraints for the procedure of reviewing is defined by the chief editor, individually for each case. Maximum reviewing period (between the date of acceptance of the manuscript by the editor till the editorial board makes it's decision) is 2 months.
  7. The following items are pointed out in the review:
    • a) a compliance of the matter of an article with it's title;
    • b) an assessment of the relevance of the content of a manuscript;
    • c) an assessment of the form of the presented materials;
    • d) an appropriateness of publishing an article;
    • e) a description of the advantages and disadvantages of an article.
    In the final part of the review of the manuscript, on the basis of it's analysis, clear conclusions should be given, whether the publication can be published as is, or there is a need for its revision or processing (with constructive comments).
  8. If the review contains recommendations for editing and (or) finalizing an article, it is sent to an author with a proposal to take into account the recommendations in preparing a new version of an article or arguments to refute them. An improved paper is sending back for reviewing.
  9. In a case, where the reviewer does not recommend an article to publication, editorial board may send back an article to be rewritten, taking into account the comments made on it, as well as send it to another reviewer. Text of a negative review is also sent to an author.
  10. Manuscripts, which receives contradictory reviews, should be forwarded to an additional reviewing. If a manuscript receives two negative reviews, publisher has a right to reject the submitted manuscript immediately and not to publish it.
  11. The final decision on publication of an article is taken by the Chief Editor.
  12. When a positive decision on publishing an article is taken, the author is informed. Text of a review is sent to an author via Internet.
  13. Originals of the reviews are stored at the editorial office for 5 (five) years.
  14. On demand of the Ministry of Education and Science, the reviews are also sent to the Ministry.
  15. The editors do not undertake any obligation on time constraints of publishing the manuscript.
  16. Not prescribed to an obligatory reviewing:
    • interviews and reports from the round tables, conferences, etc.;
    • news , information and advertising messages and announcements.



Retraction of articles

1. General Provisions

1.1. Retraction (or retraction) is a withdrawal of a text (article) from publication, which indicates that the publication contains serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted.

1.2. The retraction procedure is carried out in order to prevent cases of:

  • duplicate publications (when authors submit the same articles or data (without appropriate citations) in several publications);

  • plagiarism;

  • hiding conflicts of interest that could affect the interpretation of data or recommendations for their use.

1.3. Unreliable data and duplication can be the result of both delusion, unintentional error, and deliberate violations.

1.4. The revocation does not mean the deletion of the article from the website of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty", from bibliographic databases. The article remains in all of these resources with a clear notice of retraction and preservation of the digital object identifier [doi] or other permalink that locates it. This is necessary because the researchers may already have accessed and cited the paper, and therefore need to be warned about its retraction.


2. Reasons and grounds for retracting the article

2.1. The grounds for the retraction of the article are the violation of the ethical principles of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty".

2.2. The grounds for retracting the article are:

  • detection of plagiarism in a publication;

If only a small part of the article (for example, a few sentences) is plagiarized, editors should consider whether it would be better for readers (and for the author of the work) if the article is amended with correct citations than a full retraction of the article.

  • duplication of an article in several publications;

If a duplication of a publication is detected, the editors of the publications discuss the situation among themselves and can go one or two ways: 1. the text is withdrawn, simultaneously by all the publications that published the material received by them as a result of the fan distribution; 2. A consensus is reached on one version of the text that will not be withdrawn from publication (usually the earliest). In exceptional cases, when duplicating an article serves a specific purpose, you can not withdraw a repeated article, but make an edit, giving a footnote to the original source and the reason for duplication, for example, expanding the readership due to the specific thematic audience of the publication.

  • detection of falsifications or fabrications (for example, manipulation of experimental data) or serious errors in the interpretation of the results;

When it is not possible to obtain conclusive evidence of the credibility of a publication (for example, if authors provide contradictory information; the institution where the authors work refuses to investigate alleged violations or make public the results of such investigations; if investigations were not conducted fairly or took an unreasonably long time), editors should publish doubts in regarding the text, rather than retract the publication. Such information should be submitted to the Council on Publication Ethics. If, over time, convincing confirmation of doubts is obtained, the article should be withdrawn from publication; if doubts are not confirmed, it is necessary to give an appropriate comment and inform the Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications.

  • incorrect composition of authors (there is no one who is worthy of being an author; persons who do not meet the authorship criteria are included);

  • hidden conflict of interest (and other violations of publication ethics);

  • republishing the article without the consent of the author.

2.3. The reasons for retracting the article are:

  • the author's request to withdraw the article;

  • presentation by the editor-in-chief of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty".


3. Procedure for withdrawing an article

3.1. The decision to withdraw the article is made by the Editorial Board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty" on the proposal of the editor-in-chief, containing information about the existence of a reason for retracting the article specified in these Regulations.

The decision to withdraw the article is made taking into account the response of the author of the article, substantiating his position on the issue of retracting the article, upon receipt of this response.

3.2. If the author / team of authors find it necessary to withdraw the article, they apply to the editorial office, explaining the reason for their decision. The editors respond to the authors and, if there are grounds for retraction, it independently retracts the text of the article.

3.3. If the editorial board decides to withdraw the text of the article on the basis of its own expertise or information received by the editorial office, the author / team of authors is informed about this and the author is asked for his opinion on the validity of the submission of the editor-in-chief on the issue of retracting the article. If the author / team of authors ignores the request of the editorial board, the editorial board has the right to seek help from the Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications and (or) withdraw the publication without taking into account the opinion of the author. If the retraction is related to the actions of several, but not all, authors of the publication, this must be reported in the retraction notice.

3.4. The decision to withdraw the article is formalized by the minutes of the meeting of the editorial board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty".

The article retraction form includes the following items:

  1. Name of the author and title of the article

  2. Name of the publication from which the text is being withdrawn

  3. Article retraction initiator

  4. Grounds for retraction of the article and date of decision

  5. Link to the page on the publication's website, which provides information about the retraction

  6. Imprint become and DOI (if any)

  7. Subject

3.5. Having decided to withdraw the article, the editors indicate the reason for the retraction (in case of detection of plagiarism - indicating the sources of borrowing), as well as the date of retraction. The article and the description of the article remain on the site as part of the corresponding issue of the journal, but the inscription "REVIEWED / RETRACTED" and the date of retraction are applied, the same mark is placed in the article in pdf format and in the table of contents of the issue.

3.6. The minutes of the meeting of the Editorial Board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty", which indicates the date of the meeting, the composition of the meeting, the results of the examination, a reasoned decision, all data on the publication that was withdrawn, the editor-in-chief sends:

  • in the NEB (elibrary.ru) (when an application for retraction is received, information about the article and the full text remain on elibrary.ru, but supplemented with information about retraction. Retracted articles and links from them are excluded from the RSCI and are not included in the calculation of indicators);

  • to the Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (to enter information into a single database of retracted articles);

  • in a number of cases, information about retraction is brought to the attention of the Higher Attestation Commission.

3.7. The author (the lead author in the case of collective authorship) is sent the minutes of the meeting of the Editorial Board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty" with the wording justifying the reason for the withdrawal of the article.

The authors may not agree with the position of the Editorial Board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty", but this does not negate its right to carry out the retraction procedure.

3.8. The editorial board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty", along with the decision to withdraw the article, may decide to impose a ban on accepting articles from the author of the retracted article for publication for a certain period.

3.9. Information about retraction of the article is posted on the website of the journal "Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty", as well as information is posted in the next issue of the publication.

There is no publication fee.

4 times a year

                        Bartsev S I
Bartsev S I Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS; Siberian Federal University

                        Baryshev A V
Baryshev A V Saint-Petersburg State University

                        Baryshev M G
Baryshev M G Kuban State University

                        Batmunkh M
Batmunkh M Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

                        Batova A S
Batova A S Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

                        Batova A.
Batova A. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

                        Baulin V E
Baulin V E Institute of Physiologically Active Substances RAS; Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS

                        Baulin D V
Baulin D V Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS

                        Bausheva D.
Bausheva D. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod

                        Bakhishova M.
Bakhishova M. Institute of Biophysics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

                        Bashirova A V
Bashirova A V FRC Biotechnology RAS

                        Bayandurova L S
Bayandurova L S Minor Academy of Science in Sevastopol

                        Bayarchimeg L
Bayarchimeg L Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

                        Bezhin N A
Bezhin N A Sevastopol State University

                        Bezgacheva E.
Bezgacheva E. Kirov Military medical academy

                        Bekreneva M.
Bekreneva M. Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

                        Bialevich K I
Bialevich K I Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

                        Belevich E I
Belevich E I Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of NAS of Belarus

                        Belevich N P
Belevich N P Moscow State University

                        Belevich N P
Belevich N P Moscow State University

Evstigneev Maksim  — Chief Editor
Sevastopol State University (Vice-rector for scientific activity)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Tverdislov Vsevolod Aleksandrovich  — Science Editor
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Head of the Department)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Voronin Dmitriy  — Executive Secretary
Sevastopol State University (Institute for Advanced Study, Deputy Director)
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Artyukhov Valeriy Grigor'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Voronezh State University (Department of Biophysics and Biotechnology, Head of the Department)
doctor of sciences in biology

Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Berzhanskiy Vladimir Naumovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Department of Experimental Physics, Professor)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Kostyukov Viktor Valentinovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Sevastopol State University (Department of "Physics" of the Institute for Advanced Study, Professor)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Nechipurenko Yuriy Dmitrievich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences (laboratoriya DNK-belkovyh vzaimodeystviy, Leading Researcher)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Riznichenko Galina Yur'evna  — Member of the Editorial Board
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Professor)
doctor of sciences in biology

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Soldatov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the South Seas of the RAS
doctor of sciences in biology

Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Tikhonov Aleksandr Nikolaevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Professor)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ernandes Sant'yago Adrian Apolinar  — Member of the Editorial Board
Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla
doctor of philosophical sciences

Puebla, Mexico


Code 577
Name Материальные основы жизни. Биохимия. Молекулярная биология.Биофизика


TOPICAL QUESTIONS OF BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY - a scientific journal dedicated to topical issues of general and molecular biophysics, nanobiophysics, problems of modern bioorganic, biophysical and medicinal chemistry, as well as modern aspects of biophysical education. The publication is intended for researchers, graduate students, students.

The journal is registered with the ISSN International Center (ISSN 2499-9962), the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (certificate PI No. FS 77-72655 dated April 16, 2018), is indexed in the bibliographic database of scientific publications of Russian scientists ( RSCI). Published 4 times a year. Published since April 2016.

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