Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Long series of multi-frequency monitoring data of the active galactic nucleus AO 0235+164, S0528+134 and S40954+658 from the radio to the gamma-ray are analyzed. Based on harmonic analysis of multi-frequency monitoring data we suggest that the observed harmonic components represent the precessional and orbital periods of a binary supermassive black holes (SMBH) system. The similarity of both the precessional and orbital periods in bright AGNs supports our hypothesis that, in all cases, we are observing emission from close binary systems consisting of SMBHs. The extremely compact size of the (less than 0.1 pc) may be a primary source of the powerful emission of the binary SMBH, which arises as a result of the dynamical losses due to the companion’s supersonic motion in the dense medium surrounding the orbit (109-1010) cm-3. The results obtained suggest that observed bright AGNs form a relatively rare population among massive elliptical galaxies, due to their narrowly directed emission and their short lifetimes

blazars, active galactic nucleus, black holes
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