Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the previous results for investigation of various retarding materials for super-wide bandwidth long-term delay lines [1], the principles of design and the achieved parameters of commercially produced and developed RF-signal delays with the use of fiber-optic circuits were studied. Considering the shortcomings of existing devices, the principles of optimization and design of fiber-optic delay lines for next generation devices: (1) a distributed structure of low-power emitters based on dense wavelength division multiplexing, (2) a multicore optical fiber as a retarding medium, (3) two-stage processing including an optoelectronic repeater unit, and (4) an optical recirculation time-delay circuit were proposed. Experimental verification of the proposed principles has shown their feasibility, efficiency and the opportunity to significantly improve the energy consumption and weight-dimensional characteristics, to increase the maximum delay time up to the millisecond range with a step in the microsecond range, also to improve the quality and flexibility of the delay device.

ultra-wideband long-term delay of radio frequency signals, fiber-optic delay circuit
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