Town Scientific, Simferopol, Russian Federation
The effects of regular solar and geodynamic oscillations in satellite data on the insolation of earth falling on the surface at Kara-Dag point for the period from 1983.5 to 2005.5 have been discovered. The parameters of the sinusoidal model of seasonal fluctuations are determined. Possible reasons for the increase in the amplitude of this oscillation are discussed. With the help of the wavelet transform, the spectral structure and spatial-temporal changes in the satellite data on the insolation of the incident on the earth's surface at Kara-Dag and local un modeled deformations of the earth at the point of Katsiveli were investigated. In the interferometric radio time series of observations of additions to the deformations of the earth's surface, carried out in the framework of international projects at the Simeiz station (Katsiveli), periodic components were found and modeled. The amplitude of the most significant seasonal component is 3.34 mm. Using the time-frequency wavelet transform, information was obtained on the temporal localization and changes in the power and frequency of seasonal fluctuations in the data on the insolation of the earth falling on the Kara-Dag point for the period from 1983.5 to 2005.5 and in the data on local un modeled deformations of the earth in paragraph Katsiveli for the period from 1980 to 2014.
insolation, geodynamic cycles, wavelets, VLBI observations
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