Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
The operation principles of local navigation system with the use of adaptive low-element antenna array are considered in this paper. The system will allow determining the coordinates of the vessel with high accuracy. For the eliminating the ambiguity of phase measurements of distances, the necessity of the formation of microwave signals with a small frequency shift was justified. The method of microwave signal forming is discussed. It is shown that the use of adaptive low-element antenna arrays improves system performance without a significant increase in the cost of the system. Adaptive antenna arrays minimize the effect of multipath propagation, which inevitably occurs while microwave propagation over the water surface.
navigation, atmospheric channel, phase measurement, homodyne frequency transform, antenna array, multipath propagation, navigaciya, atmosfernyy kanal, izmerenie fazy, gomodinnoe preobrazovanie chastoty, antennaya reshetka, mnogoluchevoe rasprostranenie
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