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Abstract (English):
The relaxation processes appeared in condenser and transistor MOS structures, СМОS integrated circuits on their basis, and also bipolar transistor structures, irradiated by fast electrons with energy of 4 MeV or gamma-quantum’s Co60 are observed. The relaxation (annealing) of the radiation-induced charge in SiO2 can occur at the expense of electrons tunneling in oxide from silicon (at n-channel MOS structures) or from metal (at p-channel MOS structures). It is recommended, considering relaxation processes, for reception of adequate results at tests of bipolar and MOS-devices for radiation hardness to observe the equal time last after the termination of irradiation and before conducting of control measurements (within each party of the same samples).

relaxation processes, condenser and transistor MOS structures, integrated circuit, bipolar transistor structures, radiation hardness, gamma radiation, electron radiation
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