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Abstract (English):
The effectiveness analysis of the adaptive method of active interference compensation is performed. This method is intended for usage in receiving paths of rangefinder repeater of the landing beacon group. The adaptive method performs compensation in the spectral domain and allows compensating active interference (particularly, digital television and cellular telecommunication) in its multipath propagation (caused by ground clutter). The dependence between compensation effectiveness and the order of the fast Fourier transform under conditions of multipath propagation is obtained. The method for improving the compensation effectiveness by increasing the order of fast Fourier transform is proposed. The comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of active interference compensation in receiving paths of rangefinder repeater and secondary surveillance radars is carried out.

posadochnaya radiomayachnaya gruppa, retranslyator dal'nomera, aktivnye pomehi, adaptivnaya kompensaciya, bystroe preobrazovanie Fur'e
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