The results of optimization of the law of nonlinear frequency modulation for wideband radar signals and of the corresponding compression filter are presented. The criteria used in the optimization were minimum sidelobe level and power loss in the output signal of the receiving channels of coherent pulse air traffic control radars. It is shown that the mismatch losses at the optimization of the coefficients of the nonlinear frequency modulation law are slightly different for different durations of transmitted pulses. In this regard, it is possible to apply the proposed law for both large-base (long duration) and small and medium base signals. According to the results of the research, it is demonstrated that the combination of the filter synthesized by the method of inverse pulsations and the optimized law of nonlinear frequency modulation allows to obtain a compressed signal with a very low sidelobe level (minus 100 dB and below relative to the main peak) and negligible signal-to-noise losses (less than 0.1 dB).
nonlinear frequency modulation, compression filter, sidelobe level, signal-to-noise ratio, air traffic control radars
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