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Abstract (English):
In this paper the shielding effectiveness calculation based on the microwave energy stored inside the metal shield of electronics is calculated with a numerical method of integration and three-dimension electromagnetic simulation tool FEKO. It was found no option in extant electrodynamics simulators to obtain the quantity of energy amount accumulated in random volume as final result. Basing on the simulation of electric intensities dispersed in the region the energy is derived via numerical trapezoid method of the integration over the volume in the simplest example of ideal cylinder shield. Considering high level of simulation accuracy in FEKO for determination of the electric intensity inside a variety of shielding enclosures the shielding effect based on the energy data in test housing was calculated. The procedure obtained can be used to identify the dependence between the shielding effectiveness and different parameters, e.g. the size of the apertures in the shield with complex shapes.

electronics, shielding effectiveness, housing, simulation, FEKO, numerical methods, trapezoid method
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