Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this graduation project, the problem of accuracy of global navigation systems GPS and GLONASS is considered. The aim of the work is to develop a method that would increase the accuracy of satellite signals reception. The best method to increase accuracy is to eliminate/attenuate the reception of re-reflected signals using special antennas. Within the framework of this method, a model of microstrip antenna of the right circular polarization was developed and analyzed. The microstrip antenna with a square shape of the radiator is implemented, has a double-feeder coaxial power supply circuit, and a loop quadrature bridge is used for its excitation. In the AWR Design Environment, a stub quadrature bridge was calculated and modeled. In CADFEKO, an antenna model and quadrature bridge was constructed. The characteristics of the developed microstrip antenna, such as SWR at the center frequency; port reflection coefficients; range of frequencies; gain; antenna ellipticity coefficient. This solution will improve the positioning accuracy, as well as reduce the weight and size of the receiver itself due to the small size of the antenna itself.

GLONASS, microstrip antenna, circular polarization
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