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Abstract (English):
The article is a fragment of an interview taken by Academician Yu. V. Gulyaev by the IEEE History Center in Gorgier, Switzerland, July 13, 2017. Of the 14 interview sections, the article presents the following two: The dissertation under the guidance of prof. V. L. Bonch-Bruyevich and the Soviet Union after Stalin. The article eliminated bibliographic inconsistencies. The purpose of the report is to familiarize in this part of the profile Russian-speaking community with the main provisions of the interview.

Center for IEEE History in Gorgier, V. L. Bonch-Bruyevich, Soviet Union after Stalin
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1. Ermolov P. P. Proekt IEEE oral history : akademik Yu. V. Gulyaev. Chast' 1. // 28-ya Mezhdunar. Krymskaya konf. «SVCh-tehnika i telekommunikacionnye tehnologii» - KryMiKo’2018 (Sevastopol', 9-15 sent. 2018 g.). 2018. S. 1827-1834.

2. Bonch-Bruevich B. L., Gulyaev Yu. V. K teorii udarnoy rekombinacii v poluprovodnikah // Fizika tverdogo tela. 1960. T. 2, № 3. S. 465-473.

3. Gulyaev Yu. V. K teorii rekombinacii nositeley toka na lineynyh dislokaciyah v poluprovodnikah. Fizika tverdogo tela. 1962. T. 4, № 5. S. 1285-

4. Edwards S. F., Gulyaev Y. V. Path Integrals in Polar Co-ordinates // Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences. 1964. T. 279, vyp. 1377. S. 229-235.

5. Edwards S. F., Gulyaev Y. V. The density of states of a highly impure semiconductor // Proceedings of the Physical Society. 1964. T. 83, № 3. S. 495

6. Hudson A. R., McFee J. H., White D. L. Ultrasonic Amplification in CdS // Physical Review Letters. 1961. T. 7, vyp. 6. S. 237-239.

7. Tolpygo K. B., Uritskii Z. I. On the Theory of Polaron Mobility // Soviet Physics JETP. 1956. T. 3, № 5. S. 725-731.

8. Weinreich G. Acoustodynamic Effects in Semiconductors // Physical Review. 1956. T. 104, № 2. S. 321-324.

9. Gulyaev Yu. V., Pustovoit V. I. Amplification of surface waves in semiconductors // Soviet Physics JETP. 1965. T. 20, № 6. S. 1508-1509.

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