Research areas and main results on designing of the new information technologies on the basis of textures, fractals, fractional operators and dynamic chaos which were obtained by the author are presented in this work. The researches are conducted in the framework of scientific direction “Fractal radio physics and fractal radio electronics: designing of fractal radio systems”, which was initiated and is developed by the author in V. A. Kotel’nikov IREE RAS since 1979 and up to the present. Introduction of the conceptions above into the scientific usage of radio location allowed the author to propose and then to apply new dimensional and topological (not power!) signs or invariants for the first time in the world, which are united under a generalized conception “sampling topology” ~ “fractal signature”. Results of application of the new information technologies proposed by the author are presented in part 2.
radio physics, radio location, non-linear dynamics, fractal, texture, fractional operator, non-Markovin random process
1. Gulyaev Yu. V., Potapov A. A. Primenenie teorii fraktalov, drobnyh operatorov, tekstur, effektov skeylinga i metodov nelineynoy dinamiki v sinteze novyh informacionnyh tehnologiy dlya zadach radioelektroniki (v chastnosti, radiolokacii) // Radiotehnika i elektronika. 2019. T. 64, № 9. S. 839-854.
2. Potapov A. A. Fraktaly v radiofizike i radiolokacii : Topologiya vyborki. Izd. 2-e, pererab. i dop. M. : Universitetskaya kniga, 2005. 848 s.
3. Potapov A. A. Fraktaly i haos kak osnova novyh proryvnyh tehnologiy v sovremennyh radiosistemah. Dopolnenie k kn. : Kronover R. Fraktaly i haos v dinamicheskih sistemah / Per. s angl.; pod red. T. E. Krenkelya. M. : Tehnosfera, 2006. S. 374-479.
4. Potapov A. A., Gulyaev Yu. V., Nikitov S. A., Pahomov A. A., German V. A. Noveyshie metody obrabotki izobrazheniy / Pod red. A. A. Potapova. M. : FIZMATLIT, 2008. 496 s.
5. Potapov Alexander A. Chaos Theory, Fractals and Scaling in the Radar: A Look from 2015. - Glava 12 v knige : The Foundations of Chaos Revisited : From Poincaré to Recent Advancements / Ed. C. Skiadas. Switzerland, Basel : Springer Int. Publ., 2016. Pp. 195-218.
6. Potapov Alexander A. On the Indicatrixes of Waves Scattering from the Random Fractal Anisotropic Surface. - Glava 9 v knige : Fractal Analysis - Applications in Physics, Engineering and Technology / Ed. Fernando Brambila. Rijeka : InTech, 2017. P. 187-248.
7. Potapov Alexander A. Postulate “The Topology Maximum at the Energy Minimum” for Textural and Fractal-and-Scaling Processing of Multidimensional Super Weak Signals against a Background of Noises. - Glava 3 v knige: Nonlinearity : Problems, Solutions and Applications. Vol. 2 / Ed. L. A. Uvarova. New York : Nova Science Publ., 2017. Pp. 35-94.
8. Potapov A. A. Mnogokratnoe rasseyanie voln na fraktal'nom ansamble chastic i v bol'shih neuporyadochennyh fraktal'nyh sistemah. V kn. : Turbulentnost', dinamika atmosfery i klimata / Pod red. G. S. Golicyna. M. : Fizmatkniga, 2018. S. 564-573.
9. Akinshin R. N., Peteshov A. V., Pafikov E. A., Potapov A. A., Rumyancev V. L. Fizicheskie osnovy ustroystva raketno-artilleriyskogo vooruzheniya. Algoritmy i ustroystva funkcionirovaniya bortovyh radiotehnicheskih sredstv vozdushnoy razvedki artillerii. Penza : Filial VA MTO, Penz. art. inzh. in-t, 2018. 400 s.
10. Alisultanov Z. Z., Agalarov A. M., Potapov A. A., Ragimkhanov G. B. Some Applications of Fractional Derivatives in Many-Particle Disordered Large Systems. - Glava 7 v knige: Fractional Dynamics, Anomalous Transport and Plasma Science / Ed. C. Skiadas. Switzerland : Springer Int. Publ., 2018. Pp. 125-154.
11. Professor Aleksandr Alekseevich Potapov. Biobibliograficheskiy ukazatel' / Pod red. akademika Yu. V. Gulyaeva. M. : 2019. 256 s.