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Abstract (English):
In the modern world, image transmission, including television and video, is carried out using preliminary and restoring correction according to the law, which was due to the use of imaging devices on cathode ray tubes. This law differs from the law of dependence of the threshold of visibility of a change in a visual stimulus on its value, but continues to be used for compatibility reasons. Therefore, instead of linearizing the sensations of the quantization scale of a television signal, it is proposed to optimize the choice of code combinations for image transmission. Such an approach can be effective in television systems without lossy video compression.

Weber-Fechner law, gamma correction, transfer characteristic, effective coding, risk matrix, probability matrix
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4. Adzhemov A. S., Kudryashova A. Y. Building an Algorithm for Estimating the Effective Coding of a Source when Converting Signals in Various Metric Spaces // IEEE Wave Electronics and its Application in Information and Telecommunication Systems (WECONF). S.-Petersburg, 2018. Pp. 1-4.

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