Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Herein, we have presented some results of the analysis devoted to the modern trends in historiography of the initial period in establishing and formation of radio engineering. The work has revealed the major problematic issues in coverage of history of wireless telegraphy made both in Russian and foreign literature. It sets out an attitude, inherent to researchers, members of The Historical Commission of the Popov Russian Technical and Scientific Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communication, specialists of the Memorial Museum of A. S. Popov.
Milestones, history of radio engineering, wireless telegraphy, A. S. Popov, P. N. Rybkin, V. V. Skobelzyin, G. Marconi, historiography, The Memorial Museum of A. S. Popov of the Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI), The Milestones Program
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