The perturbation caused by the solar flare is accompanied by the generation of radio frequency radiation of decreasing frequency, affects the biosphere and affects the quality of work of many devices of ground and space equipment. The radio astronomy diagnostic complex, created on the basis of the RT-22 radio telescope and three small radio telescopes, is integrated into the World Solar Activity Monitoring Service, which includes 14 ground stations in cooperation with orbital observatories. Four KrAO robotic radio telescopes, combined into the Solar Service KRIM, located at coordinates 330 59' 30'' E longitude and 440 23' 52'' N latitudes, are observing the Sun in the wavelength range from 8 mm to 1.2 m in the mode monitoring and alerts. In September 2017, the Sun Service KRIM recorded a series of powerful flares at the time of minimum solar activity.
radio telescope, radio emission, flare, Sun
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