Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Data from the long-term multi-frequency monitoring of the active galactic nuclear 3C 454.3 are analyzed. An unusual shape and duration of the flare occurred in the object in 2010-2020. This phenomenon of the flare can be explained by coincidence of the planes of the accretion disk (AD) of the Central supermassive black hole (SMBH) and the orbit of the companion. The presence of the orbital period of 2.3 years and half period 1.1 year in the radiation variations of 3C 454.3 during the flare also supports this hypothesis, rather than a sharp change in the g and Doppler (d) factors that could lead to a significant extension of the observed orbital period. Large amplitude small-scale fluctuations in the radiation flux density during a long flare can be the result of inhomogeneities of matter in AD with dimensions of the order of 1014-1015 cm and can be used to study the substance of AD. Estimates of the level of possible gravitational waves (GW) coming from 3C 454.3 are made.

active galactic nuclei, black holes, gravitational waves
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