Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents a wireless power transmission system. Structurally, the system consists of two microstrip lines that do not emit energy into space in the absence of a paired line, since they are fragments of a directional microwave coupler. The convergence of structures relative to each other, forms a directional coupler. The simulation results, as well as experimental studies were presented earlier. A set of actions aimed at increasing the tolerances for the mutual displacement of elements is presented. The changes made to the system also allow to increase the power of the energy transmitted by the system. In this case, the offset values can be increased up to the distance W/2, where W is the length of the side of the structure. Taking into account the fact that it is relevant to use a wireless energy transmission system to solve the problem of wireless recharging of batteries for unmanned aerial vehicles (hereinafter UAVs), it is urgent to increase these parameters to near-limit values.

wireless power transmission, electromagnetic field, microstrip transmission line, symmetrical strip transmission line, crosstalk attenuation, loss, wireless power transmission, rechargeable batteries, autonomous electric transport, offset shift
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