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Abstract (English):
The parameters of a solid-state holmium laser used in the treatment of urolithiasis are presented. The results of experimental studies of the value of the specific mass loss of urinary stones when the calculus is exposed to pulses of a holmium laser emitting pulses with a wavelength of 2.1 μm, a frequency of 8 to 12 Hz, and an energy of 0.6 to 1.6 J mass with localization of stones in various segments of the ureters and the renal calyceal system, which varied from 0.383±0.087 mg/J to 0.487±0.083 mg/J, depending on the gender of the patient and the location of the calculus. It was shown that this value makes it possible to estimate the duration of the complete destruction of the calculus and to predict the duration of the lithotripsy operation.

holmium laser, specific stone loss, duration of calculus destruction, lithotripsy
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