Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The actual task of monitoring the state the human body is the creation of effective algorithms for computer technologies for processing biosignals based on nonlinear dynamic models. The development of nonlinear methods for analyzing the state of body systems is important, since bioprocesses have a nonlinear nature and fractal structure, which, as for developing systems, are characterized by structural self-organization according to the principle of scale-invariant self-similarity. An important connection has been established between the “communication systems” of the organism, their organization in the form of self-similar fractal structures with scaling nearby to the “golden ratio”. Examples of such structures are the nervous, muscular systems of the heart and the vascular and bronchial systems of the human body. For the first time, it is proposed to obtain detailed information about the state of the bio-networks of the human body for topical diagnostics based on wavelet-analysis of biosignals (wavelet-introscopy).

electrocardiogram, photoplethysmogram, rheogram, self-organization, self-similarity, fractals, scaling, autowaves, soliton, n-dimensional torus, KAM-theorem, FPU-theorem of “return”, wavelet-introscopy of bionets
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