Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A numerical simulation of a magnetic shielding system for an atomic beam tube “Uspeh-4M”, consisting of 4 thin-walled coaxial cylinders made of 79NM and 81NMA alloys, was carried out in order to reduce the error in calculating the shielding efficiency of the used magnetic shielding, taking into account all the design features of atomic beam tube “Uspeh-4M”.The spectra of Zeeman resonance of atomic beam tube “Uspeh-4M”, placed in external constant magnetic field were studied. The analysis of the frequency shift of the Zeeman resonances made it possible to estimate the coefficient of atomic beam tube “Uspeh-4M” magnetic screening and magnetic shift of the zero transition frequency.

atomic beam tube, screening, screening coefficient, magnetic field, magnetic screen, multilayer screen, magnetic frequency shift, computer modeling
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