Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The features of construction and usage of the high-frequency remote equipment for the spatial orientation adjusting of axes of antenna radiation pattern for the course and the glide path channels of the precision approach radar (PAR) as well as the trajectory control and error measurement of coordinates of aircraft, landing in the area of PAR, are considered. It is shown that Doppler reflectors and remote control devices of remote equipment should receive probing PAR signals and retransmit them back in the direction of the PRL to simulate aircraft signals located in fixed (in range and angular coordinates) control points on the specified (planned) landing lines on the course and glide path. A variant of constructing a module circuit on a horn antenna and pin diode is proposed for receiving and retransmitting the signals with phase shift keying 0/p. It is noted that the formation and usage of control points on the lines of the landing course and glide path improves the accuracy and precision parameters of the spherical coordinates measurement, which creates the conditions and prerequisites for the implementation of no-fly technology for commissioning PAR.

aircraft, precision approach radar, course antenna, glide path antenna, remote alignment and trajectory control equipment, landing line, range, runway, airfield zone, receiving and transmitting antenna, Doppler reflector, remote control device, Doppler frequency, sounding signal, polarization, communication channel
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