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Abstract (English):
The choice of the development trend of the Bell System at the beginning of the 20th century in the conditions of fierce competition in the telephone market and the economic crisis of 1907 in the USA is studied. It shows in detail the restructuring of Bell’s scientific and technical activities, which contributed to attracting innovation and focusing spending on research, development and technological work. This made it possible in the future to create conditions for the development of a telephone tube repeater and to begin laying a transcontinental telephone line from New York to San Francisco. It is noted that the company’s emergence as a leader in the telephone business is largely due to the involvement of talented scientists and engineers in the project.

Bell System, AT&T, economic crisis of 1907, Hammond V. Hayes, John Joseph Carty, Frank B. Jewett, repeater, New York – San Francisco telephone line, Colpitts research group
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