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Abstract (English):
The density of the capillary network (Nct), the geometric characteristics of the microcirculatory vessels (length - l, radius - d) and chemical composition (total lipid and water) of white muscles ( musculus lateralis magnus) in marine fishes were investigated. The objects of the study were two pelagic species (golden mullet, Liza aurata; horse mackerel, Trachurus mediterraneus) and two benthic species (goby, Gobius batrachocephalus, fish-scorpion, Scorpaena porcus) of fish. The Nct of active species was 30-40 % higher (p<0.001) and accounted for 91-95 capillary units per 1 mm2 of the muscle cross-section. The vessels were shorter and smaller: l - 855-876 µm; d - 3,80-3,85 µm (mobile species); l - 1100-1200 µm; d - 3,90-3,95 µm (benthic species). On the base of the values obtained the diffusion space in the muscles of both fish groups was calculated. Diffusion distances (the Krogh radius and volume of the tissue cylinder) of pelagic fish were significantly lower (p<0.05), and the diffusion area of the capillary network and surface parameter, on the contrary, significantly higher (p<0.001). Skeletal muscles in active fish had relatively high content of total lipids and reduced level of hydration of the muscle tissue. The results obtained suggest that the oxygen diffusion in skeletal muscle of pelagic fish should be more facilitated in comparison with benthic species.

capillary network, diffusion characteristics, skeletal muscles, bottom and pelagic marine fish
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