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Abstract (English):
It is shown that the combined effect of a static magnetic field (42 mT) and low-frequency collinear very weak alternating magnetic field with low frequency (1 Hz, 600 nT; 4.4 Hz, 100 nT; 16.5 Hz, 160 nT) on heparinized and diluted with phosphate buffer venous blood of rats at physiological temperatures causing a sharp increase in its chemiluminescence after addition of luminol. In experiments in vivo when exposed to magnetic fields of the entire organism as well as in in vitro experiments show significant changes in blood chemiluminescence intensity. In this case was detected changes in the kinetics of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. In this case the additional deferred flat maximum was observed (approximately 500 seconds after the injection of luminol), which is absent in experiments in vitro and in control animals.

magnetic field, blood, reactive oxygen species, chemiluminescence
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