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Abstract (English):
The influence of heavy metals Cd+2, Pb+2, Zn+2 in 10-4M to 10-2M concentrations on kinetic parameters of millisecond delayed light emission (msec -DLE) 1-anilinonaftalin-8-sulfonate (ANS) in yeast cells has been studied. It was presented that, Zn ions in 10-4M and 10-3M concentrations a little stimulate msec-DLE ANS intensity, but the ions Cd+2, Pb+2 lead to the decrease of irradiation intensity in all studied concentrations. It was identified that, during the exposure of shown ions in heavy metals on yeast cells the MDA amount increases. The analyses of induced curves of msec-DLE ANS in yeast cells and the determination of MDA amount gives the basis to suppose, that the intensity changes of msec-DLE is due to the structural changes of cellular membranes.

yeast cells, msec-delayed light emission, 1-anilinnaftalin-8-sulfonate
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