The separation of the absorption spectrum of the acetone extract of microalgae Dunaliella salina into the spectra of the detached pigments, namely chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b , lutein, b-carotene and neoxanthin was carried out by means of GPS (Gauss Peak Spectra). Also the concentration of chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b and total carotenoids are calculated by linear equations. The modified test of Student and the Bland-Altman method were used to establish the coherence of measurements. The concentration values, calculated by various approaches, are consistent. Lutein prevails among the carotenoids. The average ratio of pigments calculated by GPS amounted to: chlorophyll a / chlorophyll b = 3,9, chlorophylls / carotenoids = 1,4, xanthophyll / carotene = 3,0. The ratio of pigment calculated by linear equations amounted to: chlorophyll a / chlorophyll b = 4,4, chlorophylls / carotenoids = 1,3. The suggested model can be used for the precise quantitative analysis of the acetone extracts of microalgae Dunaliella salina .
microalgae, absorption spectra, Gauss curve, carotenoids, chlorophyll
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