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Abstract (English):
The gas vortex photobioreactor, which is based on new concepts of agitation a microalgae suspension was used . Working volume of suspension in photobioreactor is 580 liters, the working layer - 0.08 m, the illuminated surface - 7,3 sq.m. As a light source used lamps DRL-700, which gave the average illuminance on the surface of culture klx (≈30 W / m²). Maximum productivity of C. Closterium intensive culture , which is grown in RS media, in an industrial photobioreactor reached 1.2 g.of dry.mass / L (or 95 g. dry weight/(day*sq.m)), which is 3- 4 times higher than in other culture systems. At harvest suspension is concentrated of due to the natural properties of the benthic diatoms to sink to the bottom. After concentrating the biomass of C. closterium is filtered through a cloth. Procedures for settling and filtration of biomass electricity costs are not required. During the 15 days of culture 3.5 kg of dry biomass was produced. Thus, the first commercial biomass production technology benthic-planktonic marine diatom C. closterium is developed with the use of gas-vortex photobioreactor.

biomass, a dense culture, intensive culture, biomass, a dense culture, intensive culture
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