Sevastopol, Russian Federation
In this work there are the analysis results of the seasonal and interannual variability of the bioluminescence field and the sea surface temperature (SST) that was made according to the 6-year biophysical monitoring in the open sea near Sevastopol. The seasonal variability of the bioluminescence field in the upper 10-meter layer is 1,5 times higher than in the whole 60-meter layer, and their interannual shape coincides with the one of the seasonal variability of average monthly SST. The dynamics of the interannual variability of the bioluminescence field in the upper 10-meter layer is mainly defined by the dynamics of the interannual variability in SST. This indicates the common patterns, which determine the processes of bioluminescence and SST fields development.
bioluminescence field, sea surface temperature, luminous dinoflagellates
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