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Abstract (English):
This article contains the literature data and the results of experiments on the study of the role and molecular mechanisms of locomotor activity of non-muscle cells. The objects of experimental studies were cilia of the respiratory epithelium of the respiratory tract, as well as flagella of olfactory cells. Methods of intravital fluorescence and television light microscopy, as well as pharmacological analysis were used in situ. The cilia of ciliated airway epithelium make coordinated ordered beats due to the operation of tubulin-dinein molecular mobility system. Motor activity of olfactory flagella (OF) in the absence of odorants is not ordered, which is also, as in the cilia, connected with tubulin- dinein interaction. Odorants initiate the ordering of movements: OF guide their distal end towards the odor sources, which is caused by the operation of the actin-myosin system of musculoskeletal apparatus. Thus, the motor activity of the OF provided by two molecular mobility system: tubulin-dynein in the absence of odors and actin-myosin initiated by them. In almost all kinds of mobility biological systems (from microbes to humans) are involved just three molecular systems: actin-myosin, tubulin-dinein and tubulin-kinesin.

musculoskeletal apparatus, respiratory cilia, olfactory flagella, actin-myosin and tubulin-dinein mobility systems
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