We present numerical approximations of oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (ODC) by Hüfner’s, Hill’s, Adair’s, Bernard’s, Vysochina’s, Podrabinek-Kamensky’s, Kislyakov’s and Hanin’s functions that have clear physical meaning. The best approximations in the range of oxygen partial pressures between from 0 to 622.5 mm Hg are achieved using Adair’s, Bernard’s and Hill’s equations. These models are characterized by close values of R 2 and common description of the oxygenation process. This fact indirectly indicates a stepwise nature of the hemoglobin oxygen joining due to structural rearrangements of the gemoprotein macromolecule under its ligands binding during equilibrium reactions. The proposed approach to assessing the effectiveness of the ODC approximation may also be used to solve similar problems, i.e., functional testing (regression) models claiming to have a physical meaning.
approximation, dissociation curve of oxyhemoglobin, the coefficient of determination
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