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Abstract (English):
The fine structure of marine planktonic diatom frustule Skeletonema sp. (Bacillariophyta), laboratory clone Sk021002, was studied using methods of electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. At the present work we were used the current methods of identification of the species. Using scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed that the structure of the shell - valve, marginal process and girdle bands were morphologically differ. The first time had been obtained by the method of Raman spectroscopy data of diatoms of the genius Sceletonema . The differences were found in the SERS spectra for organic casing and silicon frustule of clone Sk021002. Application of method by Raman spectroscopy provides extensive and unique information on the nanocharacteristics of the various elements of diatoms frustule. The study of biological objects by method of Raman spectroscopy is non-invasive, this is important moment for fundamental biophysical research.

identification, frustule, Raman spectroscopy, nanocharacteristics
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