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Abstract (English):
The objective of this study was investigation of the gas-discharge plasma radiation on the lipid composition of the peritoneal macrophages of rats in the experiment in vitro. It was shown changes in the lipid spectrum after different treatment. The fraction of cholesterol esters is increased after 60 seconds treatment. Exposure for 300 and 600 seconds resulted in decrease of individual fractions of phospholipids and increase the percentage of cholesterol esters. The most significant changes in lipid spectrum of macrophages are observed after 1200 seconds treatment. The fractions of easily oxidized phospholipids and cholesterol are decreased; fraction of cholesterol esters is increased. Moreover, the ratio of cholesterol to the total of phospholipids is increased, that indicating restructuring of cellular membrane components and change its properties such as fluidity and permeability.

gas-discharge plasma radiation, peritoneal macrophages, phospholipids, cholesterol, then-layer chromatography
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