Mucosal applications for different biologically active ingredients including high molecular weight substances have been developed actively last decades. Polyelectrolyte drug delivery system was obtained by mucin and protamine layer-by-layer (LbL) adsorption on microspheres made of calcium carbonate vaterite form. Process conditions influenced both mucin entrapment during CaCO3 microspheres formation and its further adsorption on mesoporous surface of the particles. Particle stability, morphology, surface charge during negatively charged mucin and positively charged protamine LbL adsorption on CaCO3 microspheres have been studied. Conditions for CaCO3-core dissolution inside formed LbL-particles have been selected. Three different ways for biologically active substances (mostly proteins, enzymes and peptides) immobilization in polyelectrolyte mucin-based system have been discussed together with their possible mucosal application.
mucin, adsorption, CaCO3-microspheres, protamine, polyelectrolyte layer-by-layer adsorption, mucoadhesive drug delivery system
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