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Abstract (English):
The effect of lipid peroxidation (LPO) products accumulated in the isolated retina by induction of ferric ascorbate causes suppression of electrical activity of retina. LPO products suppress the amplitudes of “a” and “b” waves of electrical retinogram (ERG) during the process of incubation. It was established that the functional activity of retina can be considerably rehabilitated with use of selenium compounds. Application of selenium compounds such as sodium selenite, selenium cysteine, selenium semicarboside, chlorhydrate 1-phenyl-seleno-4 phenil-4- hexamethyleneaminobutyne-2 (ChPhHM) and chlorhydrate 1-phenil-seleno-3-morpholinopropanol-2 (ChPhMP) for parenteral use and in incubation medium delays the dropping of amplitudes “a” and “b” waves of ERG. During use of sodium selenite and selenium cysteine the amplitudes of ERG waves of isolated retina were rehabilitated insignificantly. Unlike the abovementioned compounds of selenium, obvious rehabilitation of ERG amplitudes of retina occurred when applying in perfusion liquid selenium semicarboside, ChPhHM and ChPhMP. The results derived from investigations indicate a possibility of using selenium compounds in ophthalmology.

induction, LPO, retina, ERG, selenium compounds
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