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Abstract (English):
The dynamics of the growth of microalgae Tetraselmis viridis in the butch culture has been experimentally determined. The maximum productivity and maximum density of the culture under photoautotrophic and mixotrophic cultivation have been determined. It is shown that the microalgae growth in the media with organic carbon source is higher compared to growth without organic carbon. The maximum productivity (0.28 g АСВ/(l·day)) and maximum biomass (3.1 g АСВ/l) of culture were higher in 1.5 times under microalgae’s culture with organic carbon and energy sources compared to photoautotrophic growth. It has been concluded that the addition of organic carbon sources in media resulting in improved growth of photosynthetic organisms.

Tetraselmis viridis, butch culture, carbon, maximum productivity, density of the culture
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