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Abstract (English):
In the in vitro experiment studied the effect of different doses of popular antidiabetic drug metformin (2 to 30 mM) on the erythrocyte osmotic fragility and the content of reduced glutathione. It was shown that a 60-minute pre-incubation of whole blood of healthy donors with metformin leads to decrease the resistance of erythrocytes to hypotonic solutions. The observed effect is dose-dependent in the linear range of final concentrations of metformin from 3 mM to 10 mM. Incubation of whole blood with metformin leads to substantial depletion of the pool of reduced glutathione, which can be considered as a possible mechanism for reducing their osmotic fragility. We cannot exclude the direct modification by metformin of cellular mechanisms of transmembrane transport of ions and water in the red blood cells.

metformin, osmotic fragiditn of red blood cells, reduced glutathione
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