Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
We have carried out a comparative in vivo study of accumulation and distribution of smallsized zinc compounds: Zn(OH)2 (the size of particles - 2-3 nm, further - ZN-NP), ZnO (the size of particles - 1,0-0,9 μm, further - ZN-MP) received by the modified condensation method. The experiment was carried out in four groups of Wistar rats, the content of Zn2+ was determined by the method of atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) after intragastric injection once a day during 7 days. The comparable level of absorption and accumulation of soluble and insoluble small zinc compounds has been detected. The increased excretion of nanoparticles has been detected.

nanoparticles, small-size forms, insoluble zinc compounds, zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, zinc hydroxide, AAS, Wistar rats, tissue distribution, intragastric injection
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