A quantitative technique for identification of the principal essential elements in solid biological substrates (hair) has been developed. The standard samples have been prepared with the use of different-breadth cotton yarn as model systems. The possibility to improve sensitivity of the technique due to the use of laser atomic emission spectrometry and of potassium orthophosphate as a precipitator has been demonstrated. Double-pulse laser atomic- emission spectrometry has been applied to study the spatial distribution of calcium, magnesium, and aluminum along the hair length of the patients with disturbances in cerebral circulation. The dynamics of changes in the content of these elements has been analyzed for a great space of time preceding the disease. The proposed technique enables one to estimate the chances for the brain pathology in good time and possibly to warn about the disease development or to suggest the preventive measures.
solid biological substrates, laser atomic-emission spectrometry, double laser pulses, spatial distribution, calcium, magnesium, aluminum
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