The work is devoted to study the effect of ubiquinone-10 on the microcirculation, pro - and antioxidant blood systems in thermal injury in the experiment. The study was carried out on white Wistar rats weighing 180-220 g. The method of induced biochemiluminescence was used for the estimation of intensity of lipid peroxidation and total antioxidant activity. The concentration of malonic dialdehyde in the blood was determined by spectrophotometrically. Microcirculation was assessed by laser Doppler flowmetry. The increase of lipid peroxidation on the background of decrease of antioxidant reserves was marked in animals with thermal trauma, it was led to the development of oxidative stress. It was shown the violation of microcirculation and increase in the number of shunt vessels on the burn wound. It was installed that the use of ubiquinone-10 in complex treatment of experimental thermal injury leads to a decrease in the intensity of free radical processes in plasma and erythrocytes of rats and increase of total antioxidant activity. Ubiquinone-10 improves microcirculation, providing a positive effect regarding passive and active factors of microcirculation.
-10, thermal injury, lipid peroxidation, microcirculation, ubiquinone-10
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