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Abstract (English):
Urolithiasis remains a medical and a social problem [1]. The formation of urinary stones occurs when the threshold of salts solubility descends or excess concentration above the threshold of solubility [2]. The Tamm- Horsfall protein (THP) is the inhibitor of the crystallization process. The Tamm-Horsfal protein in various conditions may exist in different oligomeric forms [14]. The method of dynamic light scattering shows the dependence of the ratio of the forms of THP with the molecular weight 7 MD and 28 MD from the pH and concentration of univalent cations and no dependence on the urea concentration (urine osmolarity). The ratio forms of the THP is different in healthy persones urine and in urine of patients with urolithiasis. A new method for preclinical diagnostics of urolithiasis is presented in the article.

urolithiasis, Tamm-Horsfall protein (Uromodulin), oligomerous forms, pH, univalent cations, urea, urine osmolarity
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