The effect of natural essential oils from oregano, clove bud, or mixture of lemon essential oil and ginger extract on antioxidant status of intact mice organs was studied. It was found that essential oils taken by the mice within 6 months, even in very small doses (300 ng per day), proved in vivo as an effective biologic antioxidants. They reduced the intensity of lipid peroxidation in membranes of erythrocytes as well as in liver and brain of mice. Essential oils increased the stability of the lipids of liver and brain and increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes of the liver. The most active bioantioxidant in erythrocytes was essential oil from clove bud, a mixture of lemon essential oil and ginger extract was more active in the liver and brain.
essential oils, bioantioxidants, lipid peroxidation, erythrocytes, liver and brain of intact mice
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