The main focus of the work is the revealing of biological effects in biology systems under the sway static magnetic field of a certain induction. This work presents the results effect of a magnetic field by induction of 105 mT on pigment system as the most sensitive system of the plant organisms. The object of study is winter barley. The most important photosynthetic pigments were studied: chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids. The effect of a static magnetic field on the pigment system, on the ratio of the pigments of the investigated object and also on the photosynthetic apparatus has been analuzed. A significant increase of the amount of chlorophyll a has been detected. The results of the research have been compared with the available literature data. A conclusion about the positive effect a permanent magnetic field by induction of 105 mT on the pigmentaty system of winter barley has been made.
static magnetic field, pigment system, photosynthetic apparatus
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