Pushchino, Moscow, Russian Federation
Biofilm is a community of different types of non-competing microorganisms that form a multi-functional symbiosis of complex architecture. By all indications, such a colony should be regarded as a biological tissue possessing special properties. In their series, the ability to self-organization through the formation of glycoprotein matrix, which due to adhesion to the substrate forms a comfortable habitat. We note the chemical aggressiveness as a way of fixing on the surface and source of substrates, but at the same time the cause of corrosion of the most resistant materials. Next, we note the biological activity, which is expressed in uncontrolled reproduction, even under hypoxia, limited only by the availability of resources. Multilayer spatial organization, the presence of mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis, makes biofilms resistant to many chemical, physical or bacteriological factors, including disinfection. This explains the phenomenal resistance of biofilms to broad-spectrum antibiotics.
flow cell biofilm reactor, polymeric matrix, 3D bacterial communities, scanning electron microscopy, electrochemically activated water
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