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Abstract (English):
The kinetics of the processes accompanying the induction of Ca2+-dependent pore in the inner membrane - swelling of organelles, Ca2+ release from the matrix and drop in the membrane potential - was studied in isolated liver mitochondria of laboratory rats and birds (guinea fowls and pigeons). It is noted that the mitochondria of rats, guinea fowls and pigeons are similar in terms of respiration and oxidative ATP synthesis. It was established that mitochondria of rats, guinea fowls and pigeons energized by succinate oxidation and incubated with 1 mM of inorganic phosphate are able to swell upon the addition of 125, 875 and 1000 nmol of CaCl2 per 1 mg protein, respectively. Cyclosporin A effectively inhibited mitochondrial swelling. It was shown that mitochondria of rats and guinea fowls but not of pigeons are able to effectively absorb and retain Ca2+ in the matrix. Calcium retention capacity of mitochondria from rats and guinea fowls were, respectively, 70 and 844 nmol of CaCl2 per 1 mg of protein.

liver mitochondria, Ca2+-dependent pore, cyclosporin A, birds
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