On the basis of a new theoretical model, a fundamental conclusion has been drawn about the existence of a fundamental biological interaction that determines the functioning of living structures. Theoretical and experimental data are presented in support of this concept. A physico-mathematical proof of the hierarchical individuality of biological structures has been obtained. The numerical value of the dimensionless constant characterizing the intensity of the biological interaction is 2,26∙10-12. The biological interaction is weaker than the electromagnetic interaction in 3∙109 times. The thesis of the existence of fundamental biological interaction is of fundamental philosophical importance and it changes the existing views on the origin and evolution of living forms. The appearance of life is not a random process and is regulated by natural wave phenomena. The important practical consequence of the new concept is the indication for the possibility of calculating the frequencies of radiations that affect the homeostasis of living structures.
fundamental interactions, weak interaction, biological interaction, hierarchy of structures, wave processes, millimeter waves
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