Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The thesis of spatial radiation existence is presented in the paper. This radiation is the result of oscillating processes, which occur in the space structure of physical vacuum. Spatial waves’ existence is a consequence of the new theoretic model of physical vacuum. The thesis of the spatial radiation existence allows one to explain the effects observed during the measurement of bioelectric processes in the acupuncture points in the periods preceding the solar flares. It is also assumed that an explanation will be obtained of other experimental facts related to the response of living organisms to processes in the solar system and beyond. The research of spatial radiation is expected to lead to the creation of new technical means and technologies of various orientations and will contribute to the development of innovative directions in biology and medicine. Spatial waves research requires the creation of fundamentally new equipment for its registration and measurement.

living organism, bioelectric processes, acupuncture points, spatial waves, physical vacuum, spatial- electromagnetic model
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